Tag: appetite

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Warning Signs of Pancreatic Cancer 9

Pancreatic cancer is a form of the disease with a very poor prognosis: this means that survival rates are very low and only about 4% of people who are diagnosed live longer than 5 years after the diagnosis is made. At first it was believed that there were no early warning signs of pancreatic cancer […]

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how to find your bliss without anti-depressants

Have you ever heard of “Anandamide”? Chances are—you probably have not. Most people have heard of anti-depressants like Prozac—which, as it turns out, cause depression and suicidal thoughts. It’s all spelled out in that paper they give you at the pharmacy. But nobody reads it because they are too depressed and rely on the doctor […]

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Peppermint and Ginger Are Wonderful Healing Herbs For Self-Care

Peppermint and ginger are two of my favorite healing herbs. I discovered peppermint when I was 10 years old and I have used it all my life for treating all my ailments, especially indigestion. I discovered ginger 20 years ago when I had a bad cold and I needed a healing herb to help my […]

Fight 9 Types Of Cancer Using Cannabis

Cannabis has been used for medicinal purposes for many centuries. And now science has proved that we can use it to treat various diseases, especially cancer. The compounds in cannabis called cannabinoids have a drug-like effect on our bodies. Research shows that they can relief headaches, nausea, vomiting, and increase appetite. In fact, the FDA […]

Consequences of Skipping Breakfast

Some of us have a tendency to skip breakfast. Others do it because they are in an attempt to cut down the net calorie intake, too busy during the morning rush or just don’t have an appetite. Although most Americans begin their day with breakfast, one out of 10, which is approximately 10 percents of […]

Food photos on social media ‘may ruin your appetite’

You are in a restaurant. The waiter brings your food to the table and it looks so amazing, you upload a picture on Instagram to show your friends. No harm done, right? Well according to a new study, you may have just put your friends off their food. Researchers from Brigham Young University (BYU) and […]

6 Common Nutrient Deficiencies That Increase Cravings and Appetite

Do you usually beat yourself up whenever you give in to cravings or binge? Well, it may not be your fault. Some nutrient deficiencies increase our appetite and cravings. And they’ll make you binge no matter how much willpower you have. Once you get enough of these nutrients the cravings will disappear. You may even […]

Diet Soda Linked to Expanding the Waistline Rather Than Trimming It

Drinking diet soda in an attempt to shed pounds may pack them on instead. Even worse, the artificial sweeteners they contain may promote the onset of type 2 diabetes. The discouraging news comes from researchers at the University of Texas, San Antonio. The findings of the research were recently presented at the American Diabetes Association’s […]