Tag: caffeine

What Does a Coffee Enema Do?

A morning cup of coffee is a must-have for those who rely on caffeine to get their day going. However, many people also find their morning cup of coffee literally causes them to “go” to the bathroom and have a bowel movement. The same principle is applied by those who use coffee enemas to empty […]

7 Natural Remedies to Help With Depression

Living with depression can take a toll on your energy level from day to day and leave you feeling in a slump. You may no longer have the energy to do the things you used to enjoy and this can quickly turn into a vicious cycle of feeling tired and then forgetting to do simple […]

10 Most Common Birth Control Pill Side Effects

Common birth control pill side effects Common side effects of oral contraceptives include: intermenstrual spotting, nausea, breast tenderness, headaches, weight gain, mood changes, missed periods, decreased libido, vaginal discharge and visual changes with contact lenses. We’ll look at each of these side effects in detail below. 1. Intermenstrual spotting Approximately 50% of people using the […]

Can’t Sleep? Here are 13 Effective Ways to Fall Asleep Faster

Having trouble falling asleep can lead to getting not enough sleep or sleep deprivation, the most signs of which are excessive daytime sleepiness, yawning, and irritability. Chronic sleep deprivation can interfere with balance, coordination, memory, decision-making abilities. Worse still, it suppresses immune system function. Remedies to the more physical and environmental sleep-deprivers are fairly obvious, […]

Doctor recommends foods that help with mood swings, brain fog, fatigue and unhappiness

What do you do when life gets you down? A lot of people who experience unhappiness, brain fog or mood swings think that antidepressants are the only answer, while those suffering from fatigue often end up chugging vast quantities of caffeine or seeking prescription meds. What these people often fail to realize is that nature […]

Stress? Anxiety? 8 herbs that can help!

Stressed? Anxiety? What herbs can do for you. Fast, Easy and Effective Ways to Reduce Stress and Anxiety Before I go into detail about the herbs that can help you to manage your stress and anxiety, I do want to point out that diet and lifestyle still need to be addressed. For years I suffered […]

Three health benefits of coffee

Luckily, a dose of caffeine and a satisfying taste aren’t the only things coffee can give you. In fact, that cup of java can be good for your health as well. Learn how to make perfect coffee Coffee can do many things for your body, but some are more impressive than others. Read on for […]