Tag: carbs

Can’t Sleep? Here are 13 Effective Ways to Fall Asleep Faster

Having trouble falling asleep can lead to getting not enough sleep or sleep deprivation, the most signs of which are excessive daytime sleepiness, yawning, and irritability. Chronic sleep deprivation can interfere with balance, coordination, memory, decision-making abilities. Worse still, it suppresses immune system function. Remedies to the more physical and environmental sleep-deprivers are fairly obvious, […]

5 Common Causes Of Belly Fat You Don’t Know About

The stomach is the first body part fat settles, and it’s also the hardest part to remove fat. You may lose fat on all other parts but belly fat still won’t budge. So you have to prevent fat from settling in the stomach. Now, you may know the obvious cause of belly fat – overeating. […]

How To Combine Foods For Optimal Health

Combining Foods for Optimal Health In seeing patients every day, we inevitably have to focus on nutrition and combining macronutrients for health and vitality. This can be a little more advanced because we are now discussing combining your carbs, proteins and fats in the most optimal way for weight loss and energy. This is beneficial […]