Tag: constipation

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10 Reasons Why Epsom Salt Should be in the Home 11

You have probably seen those big packages of Epsom salts in the first aid aisle of your grocery store or pharmacy, but not paid much attention to them. However, have some on hand in your home Is a great idea, as these salts, whose active ingredient is the compound magnesium sulfate, have great health benefits, […]

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Suffering from diverticulitis? Here are natural, diet-based remedies you can follow NOW to manage it

Diverticulosis is a condition that can be managed without the need for medical treatment. Wellness experts highly recommend managing the condition simply by changing your diet. Here are a few things to consider. (h/t to LifeZette.com.) After a flare-up of diverticulitis, give your colon a break. Liquid diets are recommended after severe episodes of diverticulitis, […]

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5 Powerful Health Benefits From One Little Algae – Chlorella

Who doesn’t like a good deal when it comes to health? That’s why I love chlorella. For over 3 decades I’ve been practicing medicine. And without fail, I recommend taking chlorella to all my patients. Because chlorella doesn’t just support your health in just one way – it supports it in over a dozen different […]

What Does a Coffee Enema Do?

A morning cup of coffee is a must-have for those who rely on caffeine to get their day going. However, many people also find their morning cup of coffee literally causes them to “go” to the bathroom and have a bowel movement. The same principle is applied by those who use coffee enemas to empty […]

10 Natural Remedies For Great Bowel Movement (And eliminate constipation)

If you have bad bowel movement, frequent constipation, and other digestive problems, this article will help you. Some people may not even realize that they have this problem. If you go for a day without bowel movement you definitely have a problem. But there’s no need to worry, this is a problem you can fix. […]

7 Obvious Signs Your Body Needs to Detox

Even though our organs do a good job detoxifying the body, we need to detox once in a while. But most of us don’t know when we should detox. Gladly, there are some symptoms the body experiences when we need a detox. It’s normal to experience these symptoms from time to time but if they […]