Tag: environment

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How to grow ginger at home

Ginger is a superfood that is packed with nutrients and other healthy compounds that are beneficial to both your physical and mental health. Most of its medicinal properties come from the rhizome — the underground part of the stem, which is commonly mislabeled as the root. Ginger can be used fresh, powdered, dried, or even as […]

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Improving cellular health – The key to reversing disease symptoms

Although the mitochondria, those tiny structures inside our cells, are absolutely essential to energy production and longevity – mitochondrial health has been largely overlooked and ignored by Western medicine. Think about it: if we (as a society) fully appreciated the importance of improving cellular energy (and took action) – many of our current health problems […]

82% of households are now purchasing organic items

If you were buying organic food ten years ago, more than one acquaintance probably rolled their eyes at you and said you were being taken advantage of by a savvy marketing ploy. Over time, however, attitudes have started to shift as more people become aware of the impact that fruit and vegetables grown with pesticides […]