Tag: essential oil

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5 Creative ways to use citrus peels

Citrus fruits such as lemons, limes, and oranges can be used in their entirety. In fact, the peels may carry more nutritional benefits than the juicy pulp inside. For instance, a tablespoon of orange peel has thrice more vitamin C than the fruit, and four times more fiber. With so much food waste, there are […]

Why an Essential Oil Diffuser Is Beneficial

There are a lot of wonderful inventions that have the ability to improve the daily living as well as one’s health and these include the aromatherapy diffusers. Also known as an essential oil diffuser, this device continues to gain more and more popularity because of the numerous benefits and advantages that everyone can gain out […]

Most Powerful Painkilling Essential Oil (You’ve probably never heard of it)

We all know the benefits of lavender and frankincense but have you heard of helichrysum? This essential oil helps relieve pain without any side effects like most meds. Not only is helichrysum a superior pain reliever than most natural remedies, research shows it’s more effective than pharmaceutical medication. Now, most people are not familiar with […]