Tag: heartburn

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10 foods that are easy to digest

Certain foods tend to be easier to digest than others, something most of us have experienced for ourselves. Although the body needs various nutrients, including fiber, protein, and fats, some foods containing these can contribute to stomach issues. Examples of this conundrum are foods that are high in good fiber, such as vegetables and wheat, […]

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Heartburn is a symptom – and meds are NOT the solution: Prescriptions for heartburn DOUBLE your risk of stomach cancer

Prescribed drugs for heartburn increase the risk of stomach cancer by two times, according to an article published in the Daily Mail. An observational study carried out by researchers from the University College London revealed that individuals who use proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) to treat chronic heartburn even at the recommended time of two weeks double […]

7 Chest Pains Often Mistaken for A Heart Attack

Experiencing chest pain can be terrifying, especially when you immediately assume it is a heart attack. And you would definitely call 911 to get immediate medical attention. IMPORTANT NOTE: However, if you experience unexplained, sudden, or severe pain, you should not wait to get urgent medical care. Call for an ambulance straight away. All this […]

15 Reasons You Should Be Drinking Lemon Water Every Morning

If you are looking for an easy trick to improve your life and overall health, than look no further. Drinking lemon water first thing in the morning is a pretty simple routine to get into and will have tremendous effects on your overall health. Since I started this simple and surprisingly healthy habit a few […]

Heartburn pills in pregnancy may be linked to childhood asthma

Children born to mothers who take heartburn medication during pregnancy may have a greater risk of developing asthma, research suggests. Those whose mothers had been prescribed medicines to treat acid reflux during pregnancy were more likely to be treated for asthma in childhood, a review of studies found. However, experts say the potential link – […]

What Is Heartburn? What Causes Heartburn?

What Is Heartburn? What Causes Heartburn? Heartburn is a very common symptom created by acid reflux, a condition where some of the stomach contents (including stomach acid) are forced back up into the esophagus, creating a burning pain in the lower chest. Persistent acid reflux that happens more than twice a week results in the […]

15 Reasons You Should Be Drinking Lemon Water Every Morning

If you are looking for an easy trick to improve your life and overall health, than look no further. Drinking lemon water first thing in the morning is a pretty simple routine to get into and will have tremendous effects on your overall health. Since I started this simple and surprisingly healthy habit a few […]

How to Make Ginger Water To Treat Heartburn, Migraines, Muscle and Joint Pain

Chances are the health benefits of ginger are not new to you. But you probably don’t know that you can get these benefits by drinking ginger water. In case you’re wondering why you should make this drink, here the nutrients found in ginger: copper, potassium, magnesium, vitamins, A, C, and E, and manganese. Now, most […]

Peer pressure and festive food: Who are you trying to impress?

For some, a fear of weight gain will take the shine off the big day. Others will eat too much and regret it later, as heartburn, nausea, and other types of discomfort kick in. Why do we eat what we do, in the way that we do, at times of celebration? Understanding this may help […]