Tag: Herbal Medicine

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Clinical trial finds ashwagandha to be effective in managing weight in chronically stressed people 3

Chronic stress is associated with many health problems, including weight gain and obesity. Researchers in India suggest people who are chronically stressed to consider taking ashwagandha (Withaniasomnifera) to prevent weight gain and obesity. Ashwagandha is a common adaptogen and is known for reducing stress and anxiety. The researchers aimed to evaluate the safety and efficacy […]

Chinese medicine herb discovered to prevent tuberculosis infections

A recent study reveals that artemisinin, a compound found in sweet wormwood, shows potential in tuberculosis treatment. This Chinese herbal medicine is previously known for its efficacy in treating malaria. Researchers at the Michigan State University have discovered that the compound prevents Mycobacterium tuberculosis, a tuberculosis-causing bacteria, from becoming dormant. Dormancy was associated with antibiotic […]