Tag: hormones

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Vitamin D ameliorates severe covid-19, preventing complications and death

Mounting evidence shows that vitamin D deficiency is predicative of severe covid-19. Hundreds of doctors from around the world have called for vitamin D education and distribution, especially for at-risk demographics of people. The Trinity College in Dublin and the University of Edinburgh conducted research on vitamin D levels from sunlight and studied its effect […]

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Are Your Hormones Sabotaging Your Health? 17

How Your Hormones Sabotage Your Health It is the start of 2018 and with a New Year many people are focusing on losing weight, improving their health and being the best person they can be, but what happens when you struggle to achieve these goals? One of the biggest reasons that I hear from clients […]

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What really causes cognitive decline? Examining the top causes of memory loss and impaired brain health 10

Is a decline in mental ability and cognitive function just a normal part of getting older? Medical advancements have resulted in an aging population and subsequently an increase in age-related mental health problems like Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. Though it is a commonly touted belief that this type of severe cognitive decline […]

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Top 20 CHEMICALS that cause cancer are readily found in US foods and drinks

There’s one thing that most major cancer foundations and cancer drive organizations never mention when “searching for the cure” or “marching for the cure” for cancer – and that is chemicals in food. In fact, at most pink ribbon events, many of the worst cancer-causing chemicals are served up in the foods and drinks everybody […]

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Typical testosterone levels in males and females

The amount of testosterone a person has in their body can vary throughout their life. Levels depend on a person’s age, sex, and health. Males usually have much higher levels of testosterone in their body than females. Testosterone is a hormone known as an androgen. Although primarily known as a male sex hormone, females also […]

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How to survive PMS – A field guide for men

If you live with a woman who suffers from PMS, you know firsthand that your loving wife or significant other can change from a loving, sweet-tempered woman into someone you barely recognize with little to no warning. And you know how easy it is the say the wrong thing at the wrong time. Or maybe […]

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Relieve PMS with these foods, herbs, vitamins, and supplements

Suddenly you realize there’s a little black cloud over your head. Or maybe it’s a big one. Things that usually don’t bother you are getting on your very last nerve. You’re not sure if you want to pick a fight or cry. Before you tell your boss what you really think of him or confront […]

Laughter releases ‘feel good hormones’ to promote social bonding

Even in the hardest of times, laughter has a steadfast ability to bring people together. A new study reveals how laughter affects the brain, which may help to explain why having a giggle plays such an important role in social bonding. Researchers from Finland and the United Kingdom found that social laughter triggers the release […]

Blueberries the new antidepressants? Plant nutrients found to protect “happy hormones” in women who recently gave birth

One in every seven women will suffer from postpartum depression. Mental health groups warn that even women who are not diagnosed with the condition may still experience minor mood swings known as the “baby blues.” Current studies point to the physiological links between hormones and the onset of certain mental disorders such as depression and […]

Cachexia: Symptoms, Treatment, and Outlook

Cachexia is a condition that causes extreme weight loss as well as muscle wasting. The name comes from two Greek words: kakos, meaning “bad,” and hexis, meaning “condition.” The condition is a symptom or side effect of chronic conditions, such as cancer, type 1 diabetes, HIV, and multiple sclerosis. Older individuals with “failure to thrive” […]