Tag: infection

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Chronic ear infections

Viruses cause most ear infections, although sometimes bacteria are the culprit. There are three main types of ear infections that affect the middle ear: Acute otitis media (AOM) is the most common type of ear infection. Fluid builds up behind the eardrum, causing a painful earache. Otitis media with effusion (OME) usually occurs in children. […]

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Don’t Take Life Too Seriously – A Healthy Sense of Humor May Prolong Your Life

Have you ever noticed how comedians tend to live long lives?  Take the iconic Bob Hope and George Burns, for instance. Both men lived to be 100 years old!  What if the key to living longer lives was not taking life too seriously, but harboring a healthy sense of humor and kindly laughing at the […]

HONEY: Is this ancient medicinal food the key to fighting deadly drug-resistant infections?

Exotic honey can be used as a powerful alternative when treating one of the deadliest infections in the U.S. today. A report published in the International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents confirms that exotic honey can battle antibiotic-resistant infections, like Clostridium difficile. Interestingly, C.difficile is caused by an overdose of antibiotics. Two researchers from Elisabeth-TweeSteden Hospital’s […]

6 Potential Benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is a process of using oxygen higher than the atmospheric pressure, which is now used in treating various treatments. The word “Hyper” refers to “increased” and “baric” refers to “pressure”. While we breathe, normally we take in 20% oxygen and the rest 80% is nitrogen. But while undergoing Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, […]

Pets: are you aware of the risks to human health?

Those of you who have a cat, dog, bird or any other animal in your household will likely consider that pet to be member of your family, and rightly so. Pets offer comfort and companionship, and we can’t help but love them. In fact, when it comes to dogs, a recent study found the famous […]

The End of Antibiotics Era

Did you know… that now it’s the End of Antibiotics Era!! How??? Focusing on the diagnosis of one Pennsylvanian woman, who has been reported to have the American’s worst case of infection caused by a superbug which is highly antibiotics resistant. Clearly, proves that now the new class of superbugs have evolved that are more […]