Tag: mood

Probiotics found to reverse depression without the violent side effects of SSRI antidepressants

Lactobacilli, beneficial bacteria commonly found in probiotics, proves to be a potential treatment for depression. Researchers at the University of Virginia School of Medicine examined the effects of stress in mice and noted a significant loss of Lactobacillus in the process. The scientists found that the loss in Lactobacillus results in the subsequent manifestation of […]

Is too much sleep a bad thing? Evidence says there’s a healthful limit

It’s no secret that not getting enough sleep is bad for your health. It depresses immune function and wound healing, affects your mood and mental health, and raises the risk of a host of chronic diseases. But did you know that sleeping too much may have many of the same effects? Researchers consider seven to […]

Healthy Eating For Depression

Most people don’t even realize they have depression. And those who do use artificial medication that has negative side effects. You’ll be happy to know that you can treat depression naturally using healthy foods. Some foods have the ability to change our mood since they affect neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are brain signals that affect energy levels, […]

Can Probiotics Make You Happier?

In our never-ending search for happiness, we may need to look no further than our own gut. The gut has actually been nicknamed the “second brain” because of a large number of neurotransmitters found there. Serotonin is found in great concentration in the bowels and is responsible for some roles such as helping nerves communicate, […]

What Happens to Our Lungs, Brain & Mood When We Use a Himalayan SALT LAMPS

The Himalayan Salt Lamps are made from Natural Himalayan Crystal Salt Rock formed millions of years ago in the foothills of Himalaya. Salt lamps are blocks of pure Himalayan salt, so they come from the same region of the world. Also known as the ‘Vitamins of the Air’, they are made from the salt that […]

Growth Hormone Injections: Uses and Side Effects

Hormones play a significant role in the body. They play a part in controlling nearly every major body function, including growth. If their body does not produce enough, a person may need to have growth hormone injections. Different hormones are responsible for controlling various body functions and processes. Hormones control processes such as: Growth and […]

Herbal Oil That Can Cure Depression, Migraines, Anxiety, and Even Cancer

herbal; For many years, frankincense oil has been used for therapeutic, religious and pharmaceutical purposes. Research shows that it offers many benefits like relieving pain, fighting inflammation, reducing stress, and fighting cancer. There are various ways to use this oil, you can either inhale it or absorb it through the skin. It can also be […]

low cholesterol may be causing your depression and anxiety

You go to see the doctor because you have been feeling depressed, or have anxiety, aggression, low sex drive, memory issues, fatigue or you basically just don’t feel like yourself. It can be good news to hear that your blood work is normal but yet a sinking feeling because you still don’t know why you […]