Tag: natural remedies

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Expert tips for beating colds and flu include natural remedies that are safer AND more effective than any vaccine

As Britain deals with the effects of the “Aussie flu,” several medical experts were asked for their best tips for dealing with cold and flu and even how to avoid them in the first place. While some doctors are often quick to suggest that their patients get flu vaccines and take medications for what ails […]

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5 Natural Remedies For The Worst Symptoms Of Menopause

All wоmеn аrе dіffеrеnt and аѕ a rеѕult, may display mеnораuѕаl symptoms over a relatively ѕhоrt tіmе ѕраn, or fоr ten years оr mоrе. Aѕ a general rulе оf thumb, ѕоmе have suggested that a woman’s mоthеr саn bе a bеnсhmаrk tо hеlр dеtеrmіnе оnе’ѕ оwn menopause ѕуmрtоm tіmеlіnе. Hаvіng nоtеd thіѕ, ѕіѕtеrѕ often dіѕрlау […]

Can honey and cinnamon help treat acne?

Acne is more than just a skincare concern. It can also be painful, persistent, and uncomfortable to the person who develops it. While prescription and other medicinal treatments can work, they may also contain harsh ingredients that can dry out the surrounding skin. Those looking for more natural remedies or for something that will clean […]

Most Powerful Painkilling Essential Oil (You’ve probably never heard of it)

We all know the benefits of lavender and frankincense but have you heard of helichrysum? This essential oil helps relieve pain without any side effects like most meds. Not only is helichrysum a superior pain reliever than most natural remedies, research shows it’s more effective than pharmaceutical medication. Now, most people are not familiar with […]