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What Is A Good Supplement For Inflammation? 4

is quickly becoming an extremely popular choice across the country for inflammation and pain management. CBD molecules interact with certain compounds related to the human body’s ECS—endocannabinoid system—which plays a crucial role in maintaining a homeostatic nature. It does not produce any euphoric feelings, and plays integral roles in reducing pain levels and inflammation in […]

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4 Ways to Lower Stress and Prevent Breast Cancer

Everybody knows that stress leads to disease, but rarely do we talk about the happy “flip side” of this— learning how to calm stress responses kicks in the “relaxation response” that leads to health, more energy and less risk of disease. Studies over the last ten years have demonstrated this winning formula without a shadow […]

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4 Ways to Lower Stress and Prevent Breast Cancer

Everybody knows that stress leads to disease, but rarely do we talk about the happy “flip side” of this— learning how to calm stress responses kicks in the “relaxation response” that leads to health, more energy and less risk of disease. Studies over the last ten years have demonstrated this winning formula without a shadow […]

Estrogen regulates the brain’s fear response, protecting against PTSD

An existing body of research seems to suggest that women are more prone to developing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) than men, despite the fact that they tend to experience fewer traumatic events than males. A new study – performed by researchers from Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta, GA, in collaboration with Harvard Medical […]