Tag: severe pain

7 Chest Pains Often Mistaken for A Heart Attack

Experiencing chest pain can be terrifying, especially when you immediately assume it is a heart attack. And you would definitely call 911 to get immediate medical attention. IMPORTANT NOTE: However, if you experience unexplained, sudden, or severe pain, you should not wait to get urgent medical care. Call for an ambulance straight away. All this […]

Gout and Diet: Nutritional Information and What to Avoid

Gout is a type of arthritis that is caused by an excess of a waste product called uric acid in the blood. When there is too much uric acid, crystals can form in the joints, causing severe pain, tenderness, redness, and inflammation. Gout most commonly affects men. However, it can also affect women who have […]

New opioid as effective as morphine, without the side effects

In a study published in the journal Nature, researchers reveal how they deciphered the atomic structure of the “morphine receptor” in the brain to create a drug compound that blocks pain just as well as morphine, but without the harmful side effects that can lead to patient death. What is more, the team says – […]