Tag: sickness

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Germ free – the fastest way to get sick: Expert suggests that we’re too clean; lack of germ exposure is weakening our immune systems

We have been waging war with germs for the longest time, it seems. Since we were young, we have been taught that germs are harmful and that we should make sure we are clean all the time. It is a lesson that echoes even today, with the swaths of products that ensure you are spotless […]

Avoid these leftovers lurking in your fridge, they could make you sick

In the past, experts have warned that eating leftover rice could cause a case of food poisoning. Cooking rice unfortunately doesn’t always destroy all the pathogens residing on it; there is also a higher risk of food poisoning when rice is left at room temperature. Dr. Bejamin Chapman, North Carolina State University’s resident Food Safety […]

Will the Real Vitamin C Please Stand Up: A Closer Look at the Most Controversial Vitamin

When you think of feeling better or fighting off sickness, the first thing that might pop into your mind is, “I’ll take some vitamin C”. You drink some orange juice, maybe an Emergen-C packet, or even take a few tablets of bottled vitamin C in order to chase away the symptoms of an impending cold, […]

Fight your sickness by making your own DIY all-natural cough syrup

As we are nearing the end of the year, the flu and cold season is kicking into high gear. While it isn’t the cold weather itself that makes you sick – you can get a cold year-round – most people tend to get sick during the winter months. Most germs that cause the common cold […]