Tag: stomach

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Heartburn is a symptom – and meds are NOT the solution: Prescriptions for heartburn DOUBLE your risk of stomach cancer

Prescribed drugs for heartburn increase the risk of stomach cancer by two times, according to an article published in the Daily Mail. An observational study carried out by researchers from the University College London revealed that individuals who use proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) to treat chronic heartburn even at the recommended time of two weeks double […]

What Is Heartburn? What Causes Heartburn?

What Is Heartburn? What Causes Heartburn? Heartburn is a very common symptom created by acid reflux, a condition where some of the stomach contents (including stomach acid) are forced back up into the esophagus, creating a burning pain in the lower chest. Persistent acid reflux that happens more than twice a week results in the […]

5 Common Causes Of Belly Fat You Don’t Know About

The stomach is the first body part fat settles, and it’s also the hardest part to remove fat. You may lose fat on all other parts but belly fat still won’t budge. So you have to prevent fat from settling in the stomach. Now, you may know the obvious cause of belly fat – overeating. […]