Tag: taste

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Meat tax’ proposal highlights why people can’t stand vegans

I remember when a couple friends of mine mentioned they didn’t eat meat. I had made a suggestion for a dish to try as we checked out the menu, and they simply responded with their dietary choices. That was the entirety of that particular exchange. After all, what do I care what they eat as […]

Top 8 Super Benefits You Can Get From This Healthy Broccoli Smoothie

Broccoli is one of the most healthy vegetables, and its possible ability to help prevent cancer is probably the most publicized benefit of this super food. But do you know consuming broccoli regularly benefits your overall health in many other ways? While many people, especially children don’t like the taste of broccoli. Below is a […]

Food photos on social media ‘may ruin your appetite’

You are in a restaurant. The waiter brings your food to the table and it looks so amazing, you upload a picture on Instagram to show your friends. No harm done, right? Well according to a new study, you may have just put your friends off their food. Researchers from Brigham Young University (BYU) and […]