Tag: weight gain

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Sparkling or flat? Doctor explains how fizzy water contributes to overeating, weight gain

Sparkling or carbonated water is a delight to drink, no doubt, but did you know that it can add inches to your waistline? This is a fact that Palestinian researchers first put out in a study, wherein rats who were given sugary water with added bubbles became fatter and hungrier than rats who had flat, […]

The key to looking younger may be as simple as getting eight hours of sleep each night

The secret to looking young can be found in your lifestyle habits. While it is true that genetics determines how your face will look like as you age, your lifestyle plays a stronger role in how old you look. Simply getting eight hours of sleep is enough to improve skin quality and texture. Sleep deprivation […]

Another study links diet soda to weight gain

A recent study has added more weight (pun intended) to the argument that artificial sweeteners do not help people in controlling their weight – in fact, the consumption of diet drinks actually contributes to obesity. This latest investigation on the subject was conducted by the National Institute on Aging and the National Institutes of Health […]

15 Signs of High Blood Sugar (Stabilize it with 2 TBSP of coconut oil)

What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear blood sugar? I’m willing to bet it’s diabetes. Diabetes is one of the world’s leading killers and people diagnosed with it usually have high blood sugar levels. Note that blood sugar levels rise after a meal. But if the levels are high all […]

10 Most Common Birth Control Pill Side Effects

Common birth control pill side effects Common side effects of oral contraceptives include: intermenstrual spotting, nausea, breast tenderness, headaches, weight gain, mood changes, missed periods, decreased libido, vaginal discharge and visual changes with contact lenses. We’ll look at each of these side effects in detail below. 1. Intermenstrual spotting Approximately 50% of people using the […]

Effective Ways to Treat PMS without Drugs

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is characterized by a range of symptoms that occur in women during the last two weeks of their menstrual cycle. The symptoms affect up to 85 percent of menstruating women start 5 to 11 days before menstruation and usually go away when menstruation begins, or shortly thereafter. Symptoms Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) can […]

10 Exotic Fruits and Their Amazing Health Benefits

The world’s population simply does not consume enough fruit, especially exotic fruits. Sure, people grab an apple or banana here and there, but when it comes to eating fruits with odd names or shapes, people tend to shy away. Some are afraid they won’t like the flavor while others may be afraid of the natural […]

5 Common Causes Of Belly Fat You Don’t Know About

The stomach is the first body part fat settles, and it’s also the hardest part to remove fat. You may lose fat on all other parts but belly fat still won’t budge. So you have to prevent fat from settling in the stomach. Now, you may know the obvious cause of belly fat – overeating. […]

Peer pressure and festive food: Who are you trying to impress?

For some, a fear of weight gain will take the shine off the big day. Others will eat too much and regret it later, as heartburn, nausea, and other types of discomfort kick in. Why do we eat what we do, in the way that we do, at times of celebration? Understanding this may help […]

Studies confirm fluoridated water is linked to hypothyroidism, fatigue, obesity and depression

More than 12 percent of the U.S. population will develop thyroid disease at some point in their lifetimes, yet many people are unaware that a major risk factor for underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) may be exposure to fluoride in drinking water. A 2015 study by researchers from the University of Kent, published in the Journal of […]