Archive for: January, 2018

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Does the gender “spectrum” also include pedophilia? Canadian group announces “naked swim day” at public pool, encourages children to attend

Local Calgarians are expressing deep concern about an upcoming event at a public recreation center in Calgary, Canada, where individuals both young and old will be swimming in the nude together at a “naked swim day” that many feel has overtones of encouraging pedophilia. According to reports, the group “Calgary Nude Recreation” decided to rent […]

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Herbs for anxiety: Experts share the science behind some that are most effective

As the most common mental illness in America, almost a fifth of the population suffers from anxiety disorders each year. This feeling of fear, unease or worry can range from mild to severe and can also signify conditions such as phobias, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Anti-anxiety meds only give people […]

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PET HEALTH WARNING: Veterinarians are wildly overdosing small dogs with toxic vaccines, causing devastating side effects

Vets around the world are seeing horrific reactions from over-vaccinating, yet many pet owners remain unaware of the problem and continue to bring their pets in for yearly shots without questioning the risks. All pets are given the same vaccine dose regardless of their size, which means a cat that weighs five pounds will get […]

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The Left’s culture war against Whites is a prelude to mass genocide against all those who who born with white skin

Have you ever noticed that any time a white person makes the argument that reverse racism exists in America, they are immediately shut down before a real conversation even has a chance to commence? Why is discrimination okay if the victims are white, but not okay if the victims are black? What exactly is going […]

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Gender is NOT a “social construct” – it has a real biological basis

A new study out of the United Kingdom is sure to ruffle some feathers in snowflake land, as it makes a solid case for why gender is not – I repeat, not – a so-called “social construct,” as many far left-leaning liberals like to pretend it is. John A. Barry from University College London’s Institute […]

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Undercover video: Twitter network security engineer reveals secret plot to hand over private messages to the government

 A Project Veritas undercover investigation has revealed a senior network security engineer at Twitter stating that his company is “more than happy” to turn over the private communications and deleted tweets of President Donald Trump to the Department of Justice. If true, it is yet unknown whether Twitter is voluntarily disclosing this sensitive information or […]

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Psych prof who called Trump ‘mentally impaired’ may not have a license to practice

The Yale University psychology professor who called President Trump “mentally impaired” appears to lack a valid license to practice psychiatry in her home state of Connecticut. (Article by Ian Miles Cheong republished from The professor, Bandy Lee, made the headlines over the past few days when she made a diagnosis of the president as suffering from […]

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Parents now urged to connect their BABIES to smartphones: New Fitbit-style device monitors baby biometrics while bathing infants in EMFs

One big fear for many new parents is sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), a mysterious illness that causes babies less than a year old to die suddenly and for unexplained reasons, usually during their sleep. To help allay those fears, scientists are developing a new gadget that can transmit vital stats to parents’ smartphones. It […]

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Undercover video of Twitter engineers reveals how tech giants have devolved into dangerous left-wing censorship regimes

Bombshell undercover video from Project Veritas now reveals how social media giant Twitter has been infiltrated and taken over by left-wing cultists who occupy top engineering positions within the company while using those positions to silence all opposing views. In effect, Twitter, Facebook, Google and YouTube are all run as totalitarian left-wing censorship regimes, where […]

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Rare form of deadly eye cancer normally diagnosed in older men is killing young women in North Carolina – and doctors don’t know why

Ophthalmologists in North Carolina were reportedly baffled by the increasing cases of an eye cancer known as ocular melanoma across the state, which affected nearly two dozen people and killed four patients within a 15-mile radius of Huntersville. According to experts, the eye disease affects five in one million patients and may commonly manifest in older men in their 60s. […]