Archive for: February, 2018

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The science of remedies: Baking soda found to encourage natural labor, saving women from the dangers of a C-section, according to new research

According to a recent study, bicarbonate of soda (also known as baking soda,) “helps women avoid Caesarean-sections.” The findings of the study, which were published in The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine, revealed that baking soda dissolved in water can help at least 17 to 20 percent of women to give birth naturally if they are experiencing […]

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Natural carb blocker backed by science is affordable and effective at helping you lose weight, maintain healthy blood sugar levels

For just 25 pounds, you can purchase a carb blocker guaranteed to promote weight loss and hinder post-meal slumps. Created by Polish scientists, Tribitor is a supplement marketed as a carb blocker which is mixed with water and consumed 15 minutes before eating foods that have a high glycemic index (GI). Once ingested, it prevents the […]

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Foraging wild edibles: Berry basics to help identify what’s safe and what isn’t

Preparing for any emergency increases your chances of survival, and knowing how to forage in the wild is one of the most useful skills to have. If you find yourself forced to survive in the woods, it is important to know which plants could be your next meal and which ones could be your last. […]

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Citrus for brain health as you age: Evidence suggests consumption of oranges, grapefruits, limes and lemons reduces dementia risk by 15 percent

Fruits like oranges, grapefruits, lemons, and lime are not only delicious, they may also lend a hand in preventing dementia, according to a study. Researchers from Tohoku University discovered that older adults who regularly eat citrus fruits have a lower likelihood of getting dementia, in a study published in the British Journal of Medical Nutrition. The paper, titled […]

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Jack fruit, from the fig family, found to have amazing health benefits

Jackfruit is known to be the largest tree-borne fruit in the world. Moreover, it is packed with various vitamins and minerals that can help support overall health. Jackfruit can be eaten in different ways — raw, dried, roasted, or added to soups. In addition, it can be made into chips, jams, ice cream, and juices. […]

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Marvelous mustard: Condiment, medicine and household cleaner

Mustard is a popular condiment around the world, with everyone knowing its distinct flavor when used in sandwiches and barbecues. The use of mustard as a condiment is thought to have originated in Ancient Rome where it was used to flavor roasted boar. According to a article, the seasoning eventually became well-known in the French city […]

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Treating burns when SHTF: Natural ingredients for any survival scenario

Burns are one of the nastiest injuries out there, but they are generally easy to treat – if you’re dealing with a first- or second-degree burn that is. Medical attention isn’t always readily available, but luckily, there are some natural remedies for burns found in your very kitchen. Here are some natural home remedies for treating […]

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Bananas for oranges: Pectin from banana peels can stabilize and preserve orange juice naturally

Certain fruits go well together and can be combined to create a delicious fruit bowl, but researchers from the Benue State University in Nigeria had something different in mind with the combining process that they have developed. The study, which appeared in the IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology (IOSR-JESTFT), looked at the possibility […]

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Upcycled: Wastewater from olive mills can be transformed from a pollutant into a biofuel and bio-fertilizer

Researchers have developed an environment-friendly process to convert wastewater from producing olive oils into biofuel and fertilizer, as published in the journal ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. The study, led by researchers from the Institut de Science des Matériaux de Mulhouse and RITTMO Agroenvironment in France and the Water Research and Technologies Centre and the Higher Institute of Sciences and Technology for […]

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Why you absolutely need this precious substance and how to work it into your daily routine

No one wants to look or feel old. Unfortunately, this process has been accelerated due to a number of factors, but a big one is oxidative damage caused by the formation of free radicals. These free radicals often explode in the body due to poor nutrition and environmental factors, which in turn speeds up aging, damages cells, […]