7 Natural Anti-Anxiety Herbs That Are Better Than ...

7 Natural Anti-Anxiety Herbs That Are Better Than Medication

Passion-Flower-650XAnxiety is a problem that most of us deal with. And the more ways you have of combating it, the better. Frankly, prescription medication is not the best way to go. In fact, one study linked anti-anxiety medication to high mortality rate and increased risk of suicide.

So drugs should always be your last option. In fact, you may not need them if you use the 7 anti-anxiety herbs below. But realize that herbs are potent too so use them in moderation.

1. Skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora)

Skullcap is a traditional herb for stress and anxiety. It’s perfect for people who experience restlessness, muscle tension, jaw clenching and anxiety at the same time. You can either take it in tea or tincture. This study found that the subjects had low anxiety scores after using skullcap.

2. Kava kava (Piper methysticum)

According to research, kava kava is more effective at relieving anxiety than placebo. In fact, it is arguably the best anti-anxiety herb. This herb can also be used to relieve pain.

But studies show that excess intake of kava kava can damage the liver. So use it in moderation, especially if you have liver problems.

3. Lavender

The awesome scent of lavender won’t just get rid of anxiety but it’ll also help you sleep better. Feel free to drink lavender induced tea.

4. Passionflower

A study conducted by University of Maryland on people with anxiety found that passionflower is as effective as the oxazepam when treating anxiety. But passionflower is the better option since it doesn’t have side effects.

5. Lemon balm

Lemon balm will ease your anxiety and make you calmer. In fact, this herb is used to make various drugs. Other than reducing anxiety, lemon balm is also used to reduce bloating, reduce pain and fix stomach upset.

6. Chamomile

The University of Pennsylvania conducted a study on people with anxiety disorder and discovered that patients became less anxious after using 220 grams of chamomile each day. But it wasn’t as effective as placebo.

7. Green tea

A compound called L-theanine, which is found in green tea, can make you calmer. This study found that this compound helped the subjects deal better with stress. So drink a few cups of green tea each day.

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