Gut bacteria-based supplement reduces cravings for...

Gut bacteria-based supplement reduces cravings for high-calorie foods

woman-getting-an-apple-from-a-fridgeResearchers from Imperial College London and the University of Glasgow – both in the United Kingdom – reveal how participants who consumed milkshakes containing a supplement called inulin-propionate ester were less likely to crave foods high in calories.

The supplement works by increasing production of the compound propionate in the gut, which previous studies have shown is released naturally when the fiber inulin – found in fruits and vegetables such as artichokes, bananas, and asparagus – is digested.

Inulin is known to reduce appetite by slowing digestion and increasing fullness, and it is already available as a dietary supplement. Previous studies have shown that propionate also reduces appetite, though exactly how has been unclear.

For this latest study, senior author Prof. Gary Frost, of the Department of Medicine at Imperial, and colleagues set out to determine exactly how propionate reduces appetite, and whether inulin-propionate ester – a combination of inulin and propionate – might be more effective than inulin alone for scaling down food intake.

Inulin-propionate ester reduces brain activity linked to food reward
The team enrolled 20 healthy-weight men to the study. Some of the men consumed a milkshake containing inulin-propionate ester, while others drank a milkshake containing inulin alone.

After drinking the milkshakes, the men were asked to view pictures of low-calorie foods (such as salad and fish) or high-calorie foods (such as cake and pizza). As they did so, their brain activity was monitored using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).

Compared with the men who drank the inulin-only milkshakes, those who consumed the milkshakes containing inulin-propionate ester had reduced activity in reward centers of the brain called the caudate and the nucleus accumbens, but only when they viewed images of high-calorie foods.

The caudate and the nucleus accumbens are areas of the brain that have been associated with food motivation and cravings.

Additionally, the researchers found that men who consumed the milkshakes containing inulin-propionate ester rated the high-calorie foods as less appealing than those who consumed the inulin-only milkshakes.