A Natural Lotion Made With Only Two Ingredients To...

A Natural Lotion Made With Only Two Ingredients To Treat Itchy Skin

coconut-oil-oil-pulling-650xAloe Vera and coconut oil, are commonly used in lots of beauty products. Both have excellent medicinal properties to treat skin issues, including eczema, rashes, dry skin or acne. You must have used them. But did you know they will be more useful when combined together?

This recipe is especially useful for easing an itchy skin because of the strong antibacterial and anti-fungal effects. Normally the bacterial and fungal infections are the main causes of itchy skin, both of Aloe Vera and coconut oil have strong anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Coconut oil is one of the most useful essential oils for easing an itchy skin. Also, you here are some alternatives to coconut oil:

Nettle oil
Peppermint oil
Neem oil
Rosemary oil
Agrimony oil
Basil oil
Bay leaf oil
Calendula oil
Chamomile oil
Clove oil
Geranium oil
Lavender oil
Thyme oil
Just use your favorite one to mix with Aloe Vera gel to make the super lotion.

Natural Gel Made of Aloe Vera and Coconut Oil For Healthy Skin


1/2 cup coconut oil
1/3 cup Aloe Vera gel
Step by Step Directions:

Mix the Aloe Vera gel and coconut oil in a bowl well to get a light mixture.

Add a few drops of your favorite essential oils.

Keep the mixture in a glass container and store it in the fridge.

Every time after you wash your face or you are bathing, apply this lotion on your skin. Keep using it regularly for the best result. After few days, you will be able to tell the results.

Feel free to use this lotion, no matter what skin problems you have and which type of your skin, it will help you in many ways.

More Benefits of Using Aloe Vera On Skin

Ease insect bites
Alleviate rashes
Ease skin allergies
Act as a natural moisturizer
Treat acne and pimples
Soothe Psoriasis
Ease stretch marks
Reverse the signs of wrinkles
Cure eczema
Brighten skin
Remove makeup
More Ways Coconut Oil Helps You to Improve Your Skin

Fight odor because of its natural anti-bacterial properties
Act as an excellent eye makeup remover
Lighten age spots
Can be used as a massage oil:
Make your lips softer
Ease sunburn
Remove dry skin on your feet
Make your teeth whiter
Help nails grow
Slow down aging
Treat eczema

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