Category: Blog

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Milk thistle is not only good for your liver – it can protect you from the toxic effects of chemotherapy, too 12

You’ve probably heard of milk thistle, even if you’re not quite sure exactly what it is or what it can do for your health. In fact, there’s a chance you see it growing wild all the time and don’t even realize the power this humble weed possesses. Milk thistle has many great qualities, but it […]

5 Herbs that are proven to naturally lower your blood pressure 11

High blood pressure, or hypertension, is a medical condition wherein the force of the blood pushing against the walls of your blood vessels is consistently too high. Being hypertensive puts you at a greater risk of developing a heart attack or stroke. The primary way high blood pressure causes harm is by stressing out your […]

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9 amazing health benefits of goldenberries 10

Good things come in small packages: Goldenberry — which is roughly the size of a marble — is not only packed with nutrients but is also rich in health benefits. It’s widely considered to be a superfood, thanks to its ability to manage diabetes, strengthen the immune system, reduce inflammation, and even help a person […]

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Licorice extract is a safe and natural remedy for hyperpigmentation 9

Hyperpigmentation, or the darkening of the skin and nails, occurs when an individual has high levels of melanin. Traditionally, licorice extract is used to treat this condition. Licorice extract is often combined with different citrus fruits to make an effective skin brightener. This mixture can be applied topically to help treat the symptoms of hyperpigmentation. Licorice extract: Nature’s […]

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Eat more chocolate and drink more green tea: Polyphenols found to help prevent obesity 8

Polyphenols are a group of micronutrients that naturally occur in plants. Cocoa, coffee, green tea, and garcinia are some foods that are rich in polyphenols. In a study published in the journal BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, these plant foods were revealed to help fight obesity. Obesity is the abnormal or excessive buildup of fat […]

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Scientists discover marbled crayfish that didn’t exist 25 years ago but are somehow able to clone themselves 7

Animal cloning is a highly controversial topic that has been the subject of heated debate between experts for quite some time now. Should it be done by humans? Do its cons really outweigh the benefits that it offers? Regardless of the current mainstream view on it, it’s something that’s being done by animals themselves. Indeed, […]

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A traditional herbal medicine may help alleviate arthritis symptoms 6

A plant from the barberry family which is commonly used in traditional herbal medicine may help alleviate some symptoms of arthritis, according to a study published in the journal BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine. The study was carried out by a team of researchers at the University of Sargodha in Pakistan who looked at the anti-arthritic properties […]

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Natural mouthwashes made with mango kernel address halitosis symptoms effectively 5

Got bad breath? This mango oil-based mouthwash could be the solution. A study published in the International Journal of Green Pharmacy discovered that a mouthwash made from the extracts of mango oil can be used as a powerful treatment for halitosis. In the study, the researcher first compared the antioxidant, antibacterial, and hemolytic properties of […]

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Ajwa dates preserve liver function in cancer patients 4

Most people have recently found an increased interest in alternative medicines for cancer treatment, thanks to rising mortality rates and adverse side effects following chemotherapy and radiotherapy. An alternative believed to possess anti-cancer properties are ajwa dates (Phoenix dactylifera L.). In a study published in the journal BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, ajwa date extracts were found to […]

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Horseradish treats a variety of health conditions, from asthma to toothache to gout pain 2

Horseradish, a root vegetable with a spicy and peppery flavor, belongs to the plant family Brassicaceae. Horseradish contains sulfur-containing secondary metabolites called glucosinolates that are responsible for its unique and pungent taste. The root vegetable has different glucosinolates like glucobrassicin, gluconasturtiin, neoglucobrassicin, and sinigrin. When you consume horseradish, glucosinolates are broken down into isothiocyanates, the alleged cancer-preventive compounds […]