Category: Blog

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3 Honey-based tonics that remedy cough 4

Having a cough can be annoying, but if you have some honey in your kitchen, you can make effective honey-based tonics to ease this troublesome condition. Various over-the-counter (OTC) cough syrups are available in stores, but they may have negative side effects. However, using honey and other natural ingredients, you can come up with homemade […]

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The healing potential of music therapy in pain relief in cancer patients 3

Cancer patients suffer from physical pain, emotional pain, and even social suffering. In order to improve the lives of cancer patients, some undergo music therapy. Research has shown that music therapy has the potential to relieve pain in cancer patients. A study review published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews confirmed that music therapy […]

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Food cures: Cinnamon bark oil found to kill multidrug-resistant bacteria 2

Many infectious diseases around the world are becoming more and more difficult to treat because of the continuous and excessive use of antibiotics. In the search for alternative antimicrobial agents, researchers at Mahidol University in Thailand discovered that cinnamon bark oil can be used to fight against Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection. In their study, published in the […]

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Turmeric is nutritional “gold” for your brain 1

The Indian spice turmeric has been getting a lot of attention lately for its health benefits, and many people now take turmeric supplements regularly for their anti-inflammatory effects. However, did you know that curcumin, the main bioactive component in turmeric, has outstanding benefits for the brain? It boasts several brain-friendly properties that are earning it […]

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How to beat caffeine addiction and lessen withdrawal symptoms 18

For many people, caffeine has become a crucial part of their day. There are even some who feel like they won’t be able to function without having some coffee, tea, or soda in their system. This is why caffeine is considered the most common addiction. Caffeine is a stimulant found in plants that provides multiple […]

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Eating grapes improves the anticancer effects of paclitaxel, according to study 20

Natural healing substances work well enough on their own. But some of them can combine their effects to further increase the benefits they provide. For example, a Chinese study reported that the plant-based anti-cancer drug Paclitaxel can get a boost if you eat red grapes and other foods that are rich in the polyphenol called […]

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More compelling evidence that omega-3s decrease the risk of heart disease 19

Scientists continue to study omega-3s, and the health benefits of these fatty acids never seem to disappoint. Recent research has shown that regular consumption of omega-3s can help reduce your risk of heart disease. Past research has shown that people who consume fish are at a lower risk of having cardiovascular issues, but whether these […]

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One of the most esteemed herbs in the culinary world, rosemary is also a powerhouse in traditional medicine 17

Previous studies have shown that rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) has many different therapeutic applications. These studies were collated by researchers from  Pars Bioscience Research Center and University of Kansas-City Missouri to create a meta-analysis that would evaluate the preservative and therapeutic potential of rosemary. Relevant studies were collected from different public databases, using the search words “Rosmarinus officinalis,” “R. […]

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TCM found to significantly reduce your risk of liver disease 16

A study published in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine revealed that Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can help lower the risk of developing liver disease. The authors observed the protective effects of Liuweiwuling tablets on rat subjects during the 12-week study. Liuweiwuling tablets are an herbal product that has protective effects on the liver and on aminotransferase levels. The […]

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Science CONFIRMS the efficacy of acupuncture in helping stroke patients recover more quickly 15

Good news for stroke victims undergoing rehabilitation: Chinese researchers have reported that acupuncture could improve the recovery of stroke survivors. Their recent trial showed that the traditional treatment improved many functions that were disrupted by an acute ischemic stroke. There are millions of stroke survivors in China and around the world. Most of them did not get treatment […]