Category: Blog

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4 Ways to Lower Stress and Prevent Breast Cancer

Everybody knows that stress leads to disease, but rarely do we talk about the happy “flip side” of this— learning how to calm stress responses kicks in the “relaxation response” that leads to health, more energy and less risk of disease. Studies over the last ten years have demonstrated this winning formula without a shadow […]

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Don’t Take Life Too Seriously – A Healthy Sense of Humor May Prolong Your Life

Have you ever noticed how comedians tend to live long lives?  Take the iconic Bob Hope and George Burns, for instance. Both men lived to be 100 years old!  What if the key to living longer lives was not taking life too seriously, but harboring a healthy sense of humor and kindly laughing at the […]

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Homemade Syrup for Reversing Cough and Clearing Phlegm from Lungs

Carrots are one of the healthiest vegetables – and they’re a great source of vitamin A & carotene which are important for the health of your eyes. Carrot is rich in alkaline elements which purify and revitalize the blood. They nourish the entire system and help in the maintenance of acid-alkaline balance in the body. […]

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Why You Still Got Sick Despite Thinking You Ate Healthy

It’s been years since you started eating healthy, so when you got sick, you then stopped believing eating healthy can actually prevent disease… For millions of people here, this is their eventual thought, even if they don’t admit it. No one wants to admit what they thought was healthy and preventing disease, actually never did, […]

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5 Warning Signs of Magnesium Deficiency

Many Americans do not understand the importance of magnesium in the same way they understand calcium or iron, for instance. Nonetheless, adequate magnesium levels are crucial for brain, cardiac and muscle function and it is needed, along with silica and Vitamins D and K to promote bone health. Magnesium deficiency is more common than many […]

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Big Pharma fostered the opioid epidemic

In U.S.A. Today, on 2/13/18, there was an article entitled, “Pharma paid patient groups.” It was written by Deirdre Shesgreen, Jayne O’Donnell and Terry DeMio and depicted Big Pharma’s complicity in the opioid epidemic. Here goes: “The five biggest opioid manufacturers shelled out more than $10 million to patient advocacy groups, professional medical societies and […]

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Ten herbs that will annihilate cold and flu viruses naturally

Common colds are the main reason why children and adults miss school an work.  Adults get an average of 2-3 colds per year and children often have more.  Colds are commonly shared in the winter and the spring but are possible to get any time of year.(1) Four out of ten adults use alternative remedies […]

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Health Clever Ways to Get Kids to Eat Their Veggies

As parents, it can be a never-ending battle to get your kids to eat their vegetables. You want them to have the nutrition they need, but when you set their dinner plate down in front of them, you end up fighting to get them to even taste some broccoli. But the battle of wills can […]

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Top 6 Fruits for Diabetics

It is essential for people who get diabetes to control it on time as diabetes may lead to long-term damages and cause many health issues, such as eye disease, heart disease, hearing loss, kidney disease and even skin problems. Study from American Diabetes Association found that till 2020 almost half of Americans will suffer from […]

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Soak Chia Seeds To Supercharge Your Metabolism

Good things come in small packages – the same is true of chia seeds which are extremely good and power packed with nutrients and minerals. Chia seeds have gained in popularity in recent years due to the many health benefits that can be gained by eating them on a regular basis. These seeds can easily […]