Category: Blog

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Florida legislature passes resolution declaring PORN a health risk that causes “physical and mental illness”

A house committee of the state legislature of Florida passed a resolution calling pornography “a public health risk”, reported the Daily Mail. They did so despite the opposition of their health professional colleague. Citing research linking pornography to “mental and physical illnesses”, Republican Representative Ross Spano led 17 others in the near-unanimous adoption of the resolution. The […]

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New source of world’s deadliest neurotoxin discovered… cosmetic surgeons rejoice

The newest source of the deadliest toxin in the world will certainly shock you. According to an AlphaGalileoarticle, British researchers have found a new type of botulinum neurotoxin (better known as Botox) from bacteria found in the guts of a cow. The last time scientists reported a new botulinum toxin was 40 years ago. And previous […]

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NY Times now covering Bitcoin frauds and Ponzi schemes as establishment assault on cryptocurrency goes ballistic

Mainstream media giant The New York Times (NYT) recently covered a series of problems with cryptocurrency that have risen to the surface ever since Bitcoin suffered through a 60 percent drop in value after reaching all-time highs of around $20,000 per “coin” back in December. Many of these problems we’ve highlighted here at Natural News, […]

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No self-driving allowed: Uber wants to ban privately-owned self-driving vehicles in your city

As humanity inches closer to a world where self-driving cars are the norm, the company behind the biggest ride-sharing platform, Uber, wants to get a piece of the proverbial pie. To be more specific, the company wants to ban you from having your own self-driving car for your own personal use in your own city. […]

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Another risk of fentanyl may be an attraction to junkies – it causes amnesia

Kati Mather, who received the dubious honor of being the “face of the fentanyl addiction epidemic of America” two years ago, once described the drug’s effects as “very powerful…there’s no ride, it’s just BOOM.” And while Mather’s words suggested an explosion of pain relief often reported by regular fentanyl users, her words now imply a […]

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Scientists create customizable power source for wearable electronics that can be folded, cut, and stretched without losing functionality

Wearable technology has certainly come a long way ever since they first hit the mainstream market a few years back. But even now, researchers from all over the world are working to reinvent it in ways that will give users more benefits at much lesser costs. The latest advancement in the world of wearables comes […]

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Slate, Yahoo News, NYT, WashPost, Mother Jones, CNN all named as co-conspirators in #RussiaGate propaganda plot 5 survival radios that can keep you connected when SHTF

While most people use radios to listen to music, preppers know that they can also be one of the most useful items in a survival kit. (h/t to When SHTF, a radio can help you stay connected. It can keep you updated with the latest news, which you’ll definitely need when modern society falls apart. With […]

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The Health Ranger warned America almost TEN YEARS AGO about psychiatric drugs and school shootings… but no one listened

Following the latest tragic incident of mass murder on a school campus, tens of millions of Americans are once again going through a mix of emotions. Many are angry. Many are frustrated. Some are disgusted and others are fearful. Some Americans are a combination of all of those things. But nearly to a person, Americans […]

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All the health benefits of durian fruit without having to eat it – researchers have discovered its promise as a probiotic

It may soon be possible to enjoy the health benefits of the King of Fruits without the accompanying stench of rotten eggs or the need to actually eat it. Thanks to a joint study by Chinese and Singaporean researchers, a new non-dairy probiotic drink based on fermented durian pulp could be in the works, reported […]

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Customer service, retail and warehouse jobs to be obsolete: Experts predict 1 in 5 jobs will be lost to robots in the next decade

Robots could replace humans in one out of five jobs in British cities within the next 12 years, or 2030, a new report from independent think-tank Centre for Cities showed. Retail, customer service, and warehouse jobs are the ones most at risk of being infiltrated by artificially intelligent beings, with struggling cities in the North and Midlands […]