Category: Blog

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The pros and cons of e-cigarettes revealed

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine have published one of the largest reports to have ever investigated the effects of electronic cigarettes. We summarize its findings below. A comprehensive new report reviews the health risks of electronic cigarettes. The report — which can be accessed in full here— reviews over 800 scientific studies […]

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Breast cancer: Body fat, not weight, poses major risk

A new study has made a surprising finding: even women within a normal weight range may have an increased risk of invasive breast cancer if they have high body fat levels. Excess weight in later life is a known risk factor for breast cancer, but what about body fat on its own? According to the […]

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What is iliotibial band syndrome and how is it treated?

People who exercise regularly, particularly runners, are prone to experience pain in the outer part of the knee. When this occurs, iliotibial band syndrome may be the cause. Iliotibial (IT) band syndrome is often caused by repetitively bending the knee during physical activities, such as running, cycling, swimming, and climbing. The IT band is a […]

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What is ozone therapy? Benefits and risks

Ozone is a colorless gas made up of three oxygen atoms. It is used as an alternative therapy to improve the body’s intake and use of oxygen and to activate the immune system. In medicine, ozone therapy is used to disinfect and treat diseases by limiting the effects of bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeast, and protozoa. […]

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Letter from the Editor: Things are looking up

Congratulations! You’ve nearly made it through one of the most difficult months of the year. January is notoriously difficult after the festive season; cashflow is limited, the weather is often cold and gray, warm memories of time spent with loved ones are still close enough to taunt us, and waistlines are not quite where we […]

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Just 30 minutes of light exercise each day can benefit health

A new study from the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden, suggests that replacing time spent sitting with light-intensity physical activity may benefit health more than previously thought. New research shows that just a little exercise each day can bring significant benefits. In the journal Clinical Epidemiology, the authors report how replacing just half an hour […]

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Serosanguineous drainage: Is it normal?

Serosanguineous is the term used to describe discharge that contains both blood and a clear yellow liquid known as blood serum. Most physical wounds produce some drainage. It is common to see blood seeping from a fresh cut, but there are other substances that may also drain from a wound. In this article, learn about […]

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The 10 best period tracking apps

Periods usually arrive once each month, but the exact date, flow, cramp severity, and accompanying symptoms are not quite that consistent. For this very reason, the app market is flooded with period trackers that aim to offer insight into your monthly cycle. Period tracking apps can help you to learn more about your cycle and […]

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Fear of being touched: Causes and treatments for haphephobia

Haphephobia is an anxiety disorder characterized by a fear of being touched. Other names for haphephobia include chiraptophobia, aphenphosmphobia, and thixophobia. Being touched by strangers or without consent can make many people uncomfortable. However, if the fear is intense, appears even when touched by family or friends, and if it causes significant distress, it may […]

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What different types of headaches are there?

There are many different types of headaches, and their causes and symptoms can vary. Although most are short-lived and rarely a cause for concern, being able to recognize which kind of headache a person is experiencing can inform them how best to treat it and whether to see a doctor. Headaches are a common complaint. […]