Category: Blog

What are the best foods to fight aging?

Eat well for a long and healthy life – that’s a mantra that we’re all familiar with, but what are the best foods to help us achieve that goal? In this article, we give you an overview of some of the most healthful and nutritious foods. What are the best foods for a healthful diet? […]

How does diabetes affect wound healing?

Diabetes can cause wounds to heal more slowly. This raises the risk that someone with diabetes will develop infections and other complications. A person who manages their diabetes well can improve wound healing and reduce the chances of developing a serious infection. Diabetes and wound healing Those with diabetes may find that different types of […]

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PJ Media agrees with Natural News: Google is a deranged left-wing “intolerant race cult”

With each passing day, liberalism looks less and less like a political ideology and more and more like a cult, the members of which are bound by a certain set of ideas, attitudes, and behaviors. As if that’s not bad enough, if someone diverges from this cult-like mentality and thinks for him or herself (or, […]

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Bombshell science study reveals internal heat from Earth’s hot core is what’s causing Greenland’s ice sheets to slide

The ice sheet in Greenland is melting, but it turns out that the culprit is not global warming, as some people would like to have you believe. Instead, researchers have now found proof that a hidden heat source deep inside the planet is behind this melting that is pushing glaciers into the ocean. Researchers from […]

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Has the President read Natural News – or is he just smart? He doesn’t get the flu shot, and here’s why

President Trump is either really smart, an avid reader of Natural News, or both – how else can you explain the fact that he has never gotten a flu shot? During a 2015 interview with Sirius XM’s Opie and Jim Norton, Donald Trump was asked whether or not he gets the flu vaccination, to which […]

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Swarm of mini-tremors near Reno raise fears Nevada is about to be hit with a large earthquake

The city of Reno has been hit with nearly 250 mini-tremors in just a week, stoking fears that the area could be hit by a serious earthquake in the near future. The rumbles have mostly been too small for people to notice, but they are part of an earthquake swarm that raises the likelihood of […]

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Licorice root outperforms anti-viral meds for cold sores: Teenage girl is finally cured after trying every conventional treatment

A 18-year-old girl who had cold sores since she was five said that the only treatment that effectively worked to manage her sores is a licorice balm. Indigo Faulkner tried a lot of topical treatments and even anti-viral medications prescribed by her doctor to treat her cold sores, but all of these failed. She had […]

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Man-made meteor: New estimates put China’s doomed space station, with toxic chemicals on board, crash landing back to Earth in about 3 months — with many toxins surviving re-entry

In 2016, the Chinese Space Agency conceded that it had lost contact and control of the Tiagong-1, China’s first prototype space station. Officials hypothesized that reentry into the Earth’s atmosphere would occur sometime in 2017. Now, it has been estimated that the Tiagong-1 — which means “Heavenly Place — will finally crash into the earth […]

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Is it edible? 3 easy steps to determine if you’ve found something edible in the wild

Preppers have a well-rounded set of skills and if they’re stuck in the wilderness, they have the know-how to survive for a couple of weeks or even longer. Do you know how to identify edibles if you’re lost while hiking or camping? Once you’re in a safe zone, triage your needs immediately. Remember the top […]

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Why professing Christ is becoming a ‘hate crime’ in the west

What is the source of dhimmitude—which in many ways paralyzes responses to Islam—in the West? (Article by Raymond Ibrahim republished from First a definition: “dhimmitude,” which was coined by the late Christian president of Lebanon, Bashir Gemayel, and popularized by writer Bat Ye’or, is a neologism based on the Arabic word, dhimmi—that is, a non-Muslim (generally […]