Are you unintentionally harming your back? If you wash dishes or carry objects down the stairs, then you most definitely are — at least, according to physiotherapist Jon Bongcawel. Everyday tasks that we don’t give much thought to are causing us untold damage, and it’s because we’re doing them wrong. As Bongcawel told the Daily […]
Murphy’s Law states, “If anything can go wrong, it will.” Today’s world is unpredictable – there are threats of nuclear war, an impending zombie apocalypse from radiation and toxic chemicals, and the risk of being overrun by machines and artificial intelligence (AI). How in the world do we prepare for these extinction-level disasters? It’s easy […]
Ginger and rosemary can help a person’s heart and arterial health, according to a study published in the Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines. The paper, titled Possible hypocholesterolemic effect of ginger and rosemary oil in rats, pointed that ginger and rosemary have cholesterol-reducing effects after in vivo trials in rats that were fed with […]
Parents of school-age children in Wisconsin are making their grievances known about the latest onslaught of racist curriculum to creep into the state’s public “education” system. According to reports, eighth-graders in West Bend, a northwest suburb of Milwaukee, are apparently now being taught that they’re bad people if their skin color is white, or if […]
Taking probiotics to improve intestinal health may come with a bonus, as a new animal study revealed that the beneficial gut bacteria may also reduce depressive tendencies. A team of researchers at the Aarhus University in Denmark examined the effects of lactic acid bacteria in rat models as part of the study. The rats were divided […]
In the wake of the mainstream media’s glorious failure to conjure up enough fake news about President Trump’s alleged ties to Russia to get him impeached, the official narrative has now shifted to claiming that the billionaire businessman is mentally ill, and thus unfit for office. But the American Psychiatric Association (APA) has issued a […]
As you’re probably aware by now, the government of Hawaii texted out an emergency ballistic missile warning over the weekend, terrifying its citizens with the following text: EMERGENCY ALERT: BALLISTIC MISSILE THREAT INBOUND TO HAWAII. SEEK IMMEDIATE SHELTER. THIS IS NOT A DRILL. It actually was a drill, it turns out, but in the 38 […]
As reported earlier this week by The Daily Caller, the world’s most powerful search engine is now displaying fact checks almost exclusively for conservative and right-of-center publications in its results. Prominent liberal websites, on the other hand, don’t seem to be receiving the same amount of scrutiny. Obviously, those who run Google are, for the […]
Our society has reached a point where it is now more difficult to think of things that are truly private than it is to think of things that are not. Indeed, virtually every new piece of technology has the ability to infringe on your privacy rights to one degree or another. Now, it appears that […]