The Yale University psychology professor who called President Trump “mentally impaired” appears to lack a valid license to practice psychiatry in her home state of Connecticut. (Article by Ian Miles Cheong republished from The professor, Bandy Lee, made the headlines over the past few days when she made a diagnosis of the president as suffering from […]
One big fear for many new parents is sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), a mysterious illness that causes babies less than a year old to die suddenly and for unexplained reasons, usually during their sleep. To help allay those fears, scientists are developing a new gadget that can transmit vital stats to parents’ smartphones. It […]
Ophthalmologists in North Carolina were reportedly baffled by the increasing cases of an eye cancer known as ocular melanoma across the state, which affected nearly two dozen people and killed four patients within a 15-mile radius of Huntersville. According to experts, the eye disease affects five in one million patients and may commonly manifest in older men in their 60s. […]
Hospital stays and medical treatments can terrify any child, more so those battling life-threatening diseases such as cancer. Luckily, a new tool has been developed to provide these children with comfort and company. The My Special Aflac Duck is the brainchild of toy manufacturer Sproutel and insurance company Aflac, and it’s exactly what it sounds […]
Clothing is an essential part of outdoor survival, and many seasoned and expert survivalists will agree that wearing the right clothes and accessories will boost the chances of survival. An article featured on the Survival Frog blog stressed that choosing the right clothes help protect against the elements including the wind, rain or snow. Clothing also helps keep the body dry, warm and well-insulated, the blog read. The entry […]
Researchers have found that mahwang-tang (also spelled as mahuang-tang in some studies), a traditional Korean herbal medicine, contains anti-inflammatory properties — making it ideal for treating flu-like diseases. In their study, titled Simultaneous determination and anti-inflammatory effects of traditional herbal medicine, mahwang-tang, a group of researchers from the Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine conducted a simultaneous analysis of the nine […]
Put this one in the category of “what could possibly go wrong?” The National Institutes of Health is lifting a ban on funding experiments that deliberately make germs more dangerous, albeit subject to pre-approval by a scientific panel using a risk-benefit analysis. The U.S. government imposed a funding moratorium on such research in October 2104. At […]
With so much lawbreaking by Hillary Clinton and members of former President Obama’s inner circle that has severely harmed U.S. national security, while at the same time destroying the public’s trust in our justice system, you’d think that Attorney General Jeff Sessions would have more than enough of a caseload to keep him and his […]
By now, you’ve probably heard that U.S. DOJ head Jeff Sessions just “re-criminalized” all cannabis nationwide, regardless of state-based legalization of cannabis for medical and recreational use. “The Justice Department chief effectively withdrew federal guidelines that helped limit prosecutions of businesses and individuals who sold pot in a legal manner under state law because marijuana […]