Category: Blog

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Has the Subway sandwich chain lost its mojo?

From its humble beginnings in 1965, when Fred DeLuca borrowed $1,000 from a friend to start the first store in Bridgeport, Connecticut, Subway has grown to become one of the largest fast food franchises in the world. With 45,000 stores in over 100 countries, the restaurant chain looks about as solid as could be, attracting many […]

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How about plastic for dinner? It is showing up in mussels from the Arctic to China, and ending up on our plates

While some moules et frites (mussels and fries) sounds delicious, the dish probably wouldn’t be as appetizing if every other bite had plastic in it. According to a recent study, mussels from the European Arctic to China are contaminated with “tiny bits of plastic.” Mussels in Arctic waters contain the most plastic of all specimens […]

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Expert tips for beating colds and flu include natural remedies that are safer AND more effective than any vaccine

As Britain deals with the effects of the “Aussie flu,” several medical experts were asked for their best tips for dealing with cold and flu and even how to avoid them in the first place. While some doctors are often quick to suggest that their patients get flu vaccines and take medications for what ails […]

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It’s like they WANT people to suffer: In another case of Big Pharma greed, “periodic paralysis” drug that used to be free now costs over $100,000 a year

In yet another story of heartless price gouging, a pharmaceutical company has raised the price of a drug that was once free to more than $100,000 a year. Businesses exist to make money, of course, but Big Pharma is no stranger to taking advantage of people’s suffering. Turning a profit is one thing, but being […]

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Heartburn is a symptom – and meds are NOT the solution: Prescriptions for heartburn DOUBLE your risk of stomach cancer

Prescribed drugs for heartburn increase the risk of stomach cancer by two times, according to an article published in the Daily Mail. An observational study carried out by researchers from the University College London revealed that individuals who use proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) to treat chronic heartburn even at the recommended time of two weeks double […]

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What are the TOP fitness trends for 2018? Think back to the basics

If 2017 was the “year of the fitness gadget,” then 2018 is shaping up to be the “year of the basics,” according to health experts who are monitoring trends. Americans seem to have gotten their fill of fitness gadgets, activity trackers and apps and are instead returning to real-world workouts that have proven to be […]

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The flu is causing chaos in the U.S. and the U.K. … Hospital beds are full, patients are forced to wait hours for an ambulance

If the scientific studies showing the inefficacy of the flu vaccine weren’t enough to dissuade you from lining up for the risky jab, a quick look around U.S. and U.K. hospitals these days should be enough to send you running in the opposite direction. Hospital beds are full and patients that are facing long waits […]

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Natural Ways To Lose Weight And Keep Your Body In Shape

People are always on the lookout for easy ways and quick results for weight loss. They try out various diets, guaranteed to help them lose those pesky pounds. The diets do work – but for a short period of time. And eventually, you go back to your old habits, piling on the weight you just […]

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Sparkling or flat? Doctor explains how fizzy water contributes to overeating, weight gain

Sparkling or carbonated water is a delight to drink, no doubt, but did you know that it can add inches to your waistline? This is a fact that Palestinian researchers first put out in a study, wherein rats who were given sugary water with added bubbles became fatter and hungrier than rats who had flat, […]

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New test can determine what you REALLY ate: Urine tests measures biomarkers to determine if your diet is healthy or not, in the name of fighting disease

Taking control of one’s diet is something that most people view as a somewhat simple task. After all, how hard is it to track and remember what food you eat each day? As it turns out, it can be a lot harder than most people predict. A new study, conducted at MRC-NIHR National Phenome Centre, […]