Category: Blog

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Legal drugs kill more people than illegal ones: Research shows prescription drugs are the 3rd leading cause of death

According to Peter C. Gøtzsche, a Danish physician and medical researcher, prescription drugs are the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer. Based on the findings that Gøtzsche studied, it is possible that “psychiatric drugs alone are also the third major killer,” and this is primarily due to antidepressants causing the deaths of […]

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Security alert: Voice impersonators can trick voice recognition systems, according to research

Voice security systems are becoming increasingly common as authentication and security features. Part of this growing usage are the efforts to develop new protective techniques. So far, scientists have been able to keep voice security systems from being fooled by enterprising individuals armed with voice conversion and speech synthesis technology. As a new study has […]

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It can be done! 5 Animals we recommend you raising if you’re a novice farmer

While the thought of adding livestock to a traditional backyard can seem daunting, even a beginner can raise several animals. But before you decide which animal(s) you want to raise, ensure that your backyard is spacious enough so your livestock will have room to roam in. Since these animals will be a source of greener […]

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Some things haven’t changed: Teens addicted to marijuana or alcohol are less likely to have life success as adults, such as getting educated or owning a home

The Beatles had it right: “pools of sorrow, waves of joy” do influence the universe you create — be that for the better or worse. Researchers of a new study emphasize what we’ve been told millions of times before. Abusing either alcohol or marijuana as a teenager or young adult increases the likelihood of having […]

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Do as I say, not as I do: Survey finds 4 in 10 healthcare professionals work while sick

We’ve all heard the famous line from healthcare professionals at least once or twice in our lives: Stay home when you’re sick. But as it turns out, these individuals should start to heed their own advice, especially following a recently released survey that found that 4 in 10 healthcare professionals work while feeling under the […]

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The LEFT has devolved into despicable bullies after attacking the family of Keaton Jones, Koxville bully victim

While social justice warriors like to hold themselves up as the great defenders of everything fair and equal, the truth is that these people are just a bunch of malcontents who can never seem to find joy or happiness in anything. Normally, we would look past this sad behavior – that is, of course, if […]

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Researchers find just 7 minutes of exercise a day can prevent loss of mobility in the elderly

Seven minutes may not seem like much, yet it can mean a world of difference to the elderly. According to a study led by University of Florida researchers, seven minutes of exercise a day – or 48 minutes of exercise a week – can enhance the physical function of senior citizens. More than that, a mere […]

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“Generation Zapped” documentary exposes MASSIVE health risks associated with wireless technology

As of 2017, there were an estimated 4.77 billion cellphones in use around the planet out of a population of roughly 7.6 billion. And while most users hail the technological advancement these and other wireless devices offer, a new film called “Generation Zapped” examines the huge health risks to humans posed by wireless technology. Prior […]

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Cellphones driving modern humans to the brink of insanity? New science reveals young brains DERANGED by cellphone radiation exposure

It’s fairly obvious to most intelligent people that modern society is going insane. It’s especially true among today’s hyper-connected youth who seem to be truly deranged and mentally ill, hyperventilating over every issue imaginable such as “net neutrality” or the election of Donald Trump. The lunacy of modern society has never been more extreme, and […]

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How Cancer is Mainly Caused by The Intake of Acidic Food

The leading cause of cancer is the food we eat.  A long time ago we consumed a diet of mainly alkaline food, but that has changed, and rate of cancer has increased. The majority doctors don’t inform you on the correct food to eat to stay free of cancer and what to eat to cause […]