Category: Blog

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How to protect a newborn baby donkey in freezing weather

As Natural News readers well know, I live a rural lifestyle where I care for rescued animals, raise free-range chickens (layers) and practice self-reliance and preparedness skills. Wouldn’t you know, one of my rescued donkeys gave birth to a newborn right before a cold front and five inches of snow hit Texas over the last […]

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Stress compromises your judgement: Study shows it often leads to risky decisions

Stress can compromise your decisions. A team of researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) identified the area in the brain that is responsible for bad decision making as it becomes impaired under stress. The study was derived from another analysis carried out by the same team in 2015. They discovered that the brain […]

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Here’s proof that 91 percent of DEMOCRATS are clueless dupes because all they watch and read is FAKE news

As we have regularly documented on this site, the so-called “mainstream media” is replete with hucksters, frauds, liars, and phonies. In fact, truth be told, the vast majority of establishment media types are little more than far-Left hacks and shills for the Democratic Party. That helps explain a rather remarkable finding in a recently-conducted survey […]

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Collapsing Venezuela’s chronic shortages have led to creation of “medical flea markets”

Life in Venezuela under the “socialist revolution” of President Nicolas Maduro continues to devolve into a hellish existence, and that is especially true when it comes to basic human needs like nourishment and medical care. To the latter, things are so bad in the South American nation that at any given time, its pharmaceutical association […]

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The power of your mind: Mindfulness proven, again, to be just as effective as pharma drugs for mental health

If you’ve dismissed mindfulness as a fad, you could be missing out on a very valuable tool for your mental health. In fact, it can be just as effective as the gold standard therapy – individual cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) – for a range of psychiatric symptoms, according to a new study published in European […]

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Autism, mercury, aluminum and vaccine-induced encephalopathy

The epidemic of chronic disorders among US children, now reported to represent well over 1/3 of fully-vaccinated children in America is likely iatrogenic (ie, physician-caused, prescription drug-induced, vaccine-induced, medical/surgical treatment-caused). (Article by Dr. Gary G. Kohls and Kenneth P. Stoller republished from But the corporate medical and pharmaceutical industries both go through all sorts […]

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No, we won’t have a Blade Runner future: The robots of tomorrow won’t look like humans — we’re too inefficient

In the 1980s science fiction classic Blade Runner, there exist human-looking robots known as replicants. These fictional biorobotic androids seem human on the surface yet possess strength, agility, speed, and resilience superior to ours. They’re also what many of us imagine the robots of the future will look like — as human as possible. Though […]

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Even one exercise event improves brain health, recent study finds

Here’s one more reason to start hitting the gym: according to a study, even a single workout can help improve your brain health. Based on a new review of the effects of acute exercise, researchers summarized both the behavioral and cognitive effects of a single bout of exercise and the data gathered from various neurophysiological […]

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Seven herbs that lower blood pressure

Reducing blood pressure helps ensure that people do not suffer any of the devastating side effects that can occur when it gets too high. Hypertension, as high blood pressure is often called, is responsible for an increased risk of kidney disease, heart attack, vision problems, heart failure, stroke and many other life threatening health conditions. […]

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Migraines carry serious social stigma, study finds

Patients with chronic migraines suffer from as much social stigma as people with epilepsy, according to a study conducted by researchers from Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Rutgers University and published in the journal PLOS ONE. Social stigma refers to people experiencing social disapproval because they are different, whether visibly (such as from a physical mark) […]