Category: Uncategorized

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Don’t Have Time to Stay Fit?

Proin feugiat at nunc non vehicula. Praesent in purus id quam vehicula condimentum. Maecenas non est turpis. Nunc pulvinar, libero et faucibus venenatis, nisi ante ultricies erat, sed vehicula libero risus eget erat. Ut fermentum commodo venenatis. Etiam nec suscipit nunc. Aenean sit amet condimentum risus, nec mollis ante. Vivamus quis lobortis nibh. Nullam lacinia […]

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Science as a Tool for Improved Health

Nullam nisi nisl, congue in aliquam vel, ornare et odio. Morbi vehicula enim eros. Etiam egestas ex ac vulputate faucibus. Vivamus nibh ligula, pharetra sit amet bibendum non, volutpat eu nulla. Nullam ac metus sed quam viverra pellentesque. Mauris non luctus orci, eget facilisis ante. Nunc ultrices arcu elit, sit amet ornare nulla auctor ut. […]

Treating the Patient, Not the X-Ray

Proin feugiat at nunc non vehicula. Praesent in purus id quam vehicula condimentum. Maecenas non est turpis. Nunc pulvinar, libero et faucibus venenatis, nisi ante ultricies erat, sed vehicula libero risus eget erat. Ut fermentum commodo venenatis. Etiam nec suscipit nunc. Aenean sit amet condimentum risus, nec mollis ante. Vivamus quis lobortis nibh. Nullam lacinia […]

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The Effects of Stress

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur finibus ex sed sem lobortis blandit. Nullam nisi nisl, congue in aliquam vel, ornare et odio. Morbi vehicula enim eros. Etiam egestas ex ac vulputate faucibus. Vivamus nibh ligula, pharetra sit amet bibendum non, volutpat eu nulla. Nullam ac metus sed quam viverra pellentesque. Mauris non […]

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Staying Healthy Year-round

Proin feugiat at nunc non vehicula. Praesent in purus id quam vehicula condimentum. Maecenas non est turpis. Nunc pulvinar, libero et faucibus venenatis, nisi ante ultricies erat, sed vehicula libero risus eget erat. Ut fermentum commodo venenatis. Etiam nec suscipit nunc. Aenean sit amet condimentum risus, nec mollis ante. Vivamus quis lobortis nibh. Nullam lacinia […]

CDC: HPV, the 'Anti-Cancer' Vaccine?

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is playing on Americans’ cancer fears by calling the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine the first “anti-cancer” vaccine. This comes on the heels of a statement by CDC director Tom Frieden that “we’re dropping the ball” when it comes to HPV vaccination rates. While US health officials […]

Sugar Substitutes—What’s Safe and What’s Not

With all the dire health effects associated with refined sugar and high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), many wonder what, if anything, is actually safe to use to sweeten your foods and beverages. It’s certainly a good question. You do have to be cautious when choosing an alternative, as many sweeteners that are widely regarded as “healthy” are, […]

Too much sugar in children’s breakfast cereal

Millions of kids eat packaged cereal every morning for breakfast. These boxes are not as benign and health giving as they appear to be. Cereals contain so much sugar, they ought to be fired from the supermarket shelves altogether. Parents, wake up and read the labels. Most breakfast cereals that we feed our kids contain […]

Low Testosterone and Heart Disease Linked—But What’s Really Causing Them?

To arrive at their findings, the research team examined previous studies that analyzed cardiovascular disease and testosterone levels between 1970 and 2013. The review of the studies revealed modest evidence that low testosterone levels are linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. However, the researchers note there was little evidence of a link between […]

How Biochar Can Help Depleted Soils

Lately, I’ve become impassioned with high-performance agriculture as an alternative to more harmful agricultural practices such as genetic engineeringand chemical-dependent conventional farming. High-performance agriculture also presents us with poran excellent route to renewing and restoring our environment as a whole, as well as combating desertification, or the turning of lands into desert. I am particularly excited […]