Cultural subversion insanity: Doctors told to stop...

Cultural subversion insanity: Doctors told to stop using the word “mothers” because it might offend transgenders

In efforts to avoid offending transgenders, official guidelines issued by the British Medical Association (BMA) are urging doctors to refer to expectant mothers as “pregnant people.” The controversial advice appeared in a 14-page book focusing on inclusive language in the workplace. The booklet rules that terms like “biologically male” and “biologically female” are problematic. Doctors are now instructed to say the individual was “assigned” male or female at birth. (RELATED: Find more independent media news stories at

The union’s new guidelines were released just weeks after a British woman in the process of gender transition put her operation on hold to give birth. Hayden Cross, 20, is legally male and had received hormone treatment, but had yet to complete sex change surgery. Out of the 775,000 women who give birth in Britain annually, there are no other known cases of people in the gender transition process being impregnated.

Despite the rarity of transgender pregnancy, the British Medical Association is demanding doctors drop the word “mother” from their vocabulary. The move aims to celebrate diversity and curb offensiveness. “A large majority of people that have been pregnant or have given birth identify as women. However, there are some intersex men and trans men who may get pregnant” the booklet continues. “We can include intersex men and trans men who may get pregnant by saying “pregnant people” instead of “expectant mothers.”

Members are advised not to use “male-centric language.” This pertains to several terms including “family name” opposed to “surname.” Words like “Manpower” and “Mankind” are also on the chopping block; the BMA wants them replaced by “humanity” and “personnel.” The BMA also suggests the term “Christian name” be banished from doctor’s vocabularies, and warns against using the word “black” in a negative way, like “black sheep.”

The memo goes on to state that prefixes like Prof, Dr, Mr, Mrs, and Miss shouldn’t be put in any particular order on forms; to avoid a perceived hierarchy. Terms like “Spastic” and “Mongol” should be avoided when referring to a “person with cerebral palsy” or “a person with Down’s syndrome.” The BMA also aims to avoid offending the elderly, using the word “older” in its place. Also, “Disabled lifts” should be called “accessible lifts” for sensitivities sake.

Political correctness on steroids

The advice is overreaching and patronizing. The BMA is using politically correct attempts to deny biological reality. Any realistic doctor will be sensitive, respectful, and professional. Doctors treating a transgendered individual must assess the patient on their biology because many disease patterns are gender influenced. It’s sad that society is being pushed in this direction. (RELATED: See more examples of twisted P.C. language at

Conservative MP Philip Davies said the guidance is completely ridiculous. “If you can’t call a pregnant woman an expectant mother, then what is the world coming to?” said Davies. Others believe that the ruling will confuse people about the vital role mothers play in raising a child. The Roman Catholic Bishop of Portsmouth, Right Reverend Philip Egan, said “It is Orwellian, isn’t it? Another example of people trying to control our thoughts and the way we speak.”


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