Passionflower can reduce anxiety in just 30 minute...

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Passionflower can reduce anxiety in just 30 minutes 4

Mental health problems, such as anxiety, can be detrimental to the overall health and well-being of those who suffer from them. Anxiety is also often linked to other maladies, such as chronic insomnia. Thankfully, purple passionflower can be used as a natural remedy for treating anxiety and insomnia.

Purple passionflower, also known as maypop, is a common wildflower from the Passiflora family of plants, of which there are 500 known species. Native Americans have used many of these plants for treating a variety of health conditions, including boils, wounds, earaches, and liver problems. Purple passionflower, in particular, is one of many herbs that can have a positive impact on both the chronic and acute forms of anxiety. (Related: Herbs for anxiety: Experts share the science behind some that are most effective.)

How can purple passionflower reduce anxiety

Studies suggest that purple passionflower can help calm the mind. It can do this by seemingly boosting the levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in a person’s brain. GABA is a compound that lowers brain activity, which in turn helps a person relax. The calming effects of purple passionflower can be experienced in as little as 30 minutes.

One study found that it was successful in reducing anxiety after it was administered to patients who were about to undergo surgery and patients who were feeling anxious. After 30 minutes, it was observed that the patients who were given purple passionflower were significantly less anxious than the ones who were administered a placebo.

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A separate study analyzed the effects of purple passionflower on patients with generalized anxiety disorder. The researchers concluded that purple passionflower was as effective as the prescription drug benzodiazepine oxazepam in reducing anxiety, but without any of the side effects. The effects of oxazepam were exhibited more quickly than the effects of the purple passionflower, but the oxazepam caused unwanted drowsiness during the day. In contrast, the patients who took purple passionflower did not experience any feelings of sedation or reduced muscle function.

Suggested methods of using purple passionflower

There are many ways to take purple passionflower to help alleviate anxiety and other health conditions. Here are just a few of the ideal ways to use purple passionflower and reap its medicinal benefits:

  • Herbal tea. Many health food stores can provide you with purple passionflower in either the form of dried herbs or prepackaged teas. Simply add the dried purple passionflower herbs to boiling water and allow it to steep for a few minutes, depending on your personal taste. A suggested dosage for herbal tea is four to eight grams of dried herbs daily.
  • Liquid extract. Around ten to thirty drops of liquid purple passionflower extract can be taken up to three times on a daily basis.
  • Body wash. Dried purple passionflower tea can also be used to double as a body wash. Simply boil two to three cups of water. Then, take one tablespoon of purple passionflower petals and one tablespoon of organic rose petals.  Place them in a disposable tea bag and transfer it to a cup. Once the water has reached the boiling point, let it cool for around four minutes before adding six ounces of it to the tea. Next, add a tablespoon of raw honey to the cup of tea and mix it, until it is completely liquefied. Allow it to cool then transfer it to a sealable container. To complete your body wash, add two to three drops of geranium essential oil to the tea and seal it tightly. You can then use it as a body wash for the next seven days.

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