Secret sting operation by the GAO blows away the l...

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Secret sting operation by the GAO blows away the liberal myth that claims people can “buy guns online”

As part of their radical, anti-gun agenda, the liberals are always looking for new ways to strike fear into uneducated Americans about the “horrible dangers” of firearms, and how “easy” it is for people to get their hands on these “uncontrollable killing machines.” But each and every time, these scare tactics just don’t hold up to the facts.

Late last year, federal investigators tried to illegally purchase firearms online after calls from several members of Congress to assess how effective the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives was when it comes to enforcing existing gun laws. In order to provide these congressional members with answers, investigators with the United States Government Accountability Office (GAO) set out to determine whether or not private online sellers were selling guns to people who were legally prohibited from owning them. In the end, the GAO found that of the 72 attempts to illegally purchase firearms online, they were successful zero times.

That’s right. They went 0 for 72.

Specifically, the report stated that 29 sellers refused to ship the firearm, 27 refused after they learned that the person attempting to purchase the firearm was prohibited by law from doing so, and in five instances, the accounts that the GAO had set up were frozen by the online gun stores, which prevented them from even accessing the forums.

This report alone is proof that whenever a leftist cries about how easy it is for people to illegally purchase firearms on the Internet, they are either misinformed or intentionally spreading false information. Truthfully, the latter is most likely the more common of the two, considering the fact that the liberals constantly and intentionally use scare tactics in order to advance their radical anti-Second Amendment agenda. What better way to get the people to surrender their firearms and give into the gun control hysteria than by instilling an irrational sense of fear in the American people? (Related: Gun control is incredibly popular among people who live under tyranny and oppression – don’t they get it?)

This isn’t the first time that the left’s anti-gun rhetoric has proven to be completely untrue, however. Back in 2016, a reporter for the Chicago Sun-Times by the name of Neil Steinberg attempted to show how “easy” it is to buy a modern sporting rifle, but was ultimately denied by the owner of the gun store because “it was uncovered that Mr. Steinberg has an admitted history of alcohol abuse, and a charge for domestic battery involving his wife.” Of course, Steinberg tried to argue that this wasn’t the reason he was denied a firearm, because according to him, “they knew I planned to immediately sell it back to them.”

The Chicago Sun-Times reporter then complained that unlike him, people who have yet to commit a crime are able to purchase firearms. “Would-be terrorists can buy guns… But reporters… that’s a different story,” he said.

Both the story about the findings of the GAO and the story about reporter Neil Steinberg are significant because every chance they get, liberals insist that America’s gun control laws are too weak and that the Second Amendment allows criminals to easily obtain high-powered firearms. At times, they even speak as if our country doesn’t have any background check system whatsoever, which of course is completely untrue. The fact of the matter is the regardless of whether you choose to purchase a gun online, at a gun show or elsewhere, you will be subjected to a criminal background check. This is good. This is the way that it should be.

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