Tag: bacteria

Can honey and cinnamon help treat acne?

Acne is more than just a skincare concern. It can also be painful, persistent, and uncomfortable to the person who develops it. While prescription and other medicinal treatments can work, they may also contain harsh ingredients that can dry out the surrounding skin. Those looking for more natural remedies or for something that will clean […]

Every meal triggers inflammation

When we eat, we do not just take in nutrients – we also consume a significant quantity of bacteria. The body is faced with the challenge of simultaneously distributing the ingested glucose and fighting these bacteria. This triggers an inflammatory response that activates the immune systems of healthy individuals and has a protective effect, as […]

Fight your sickness by making your own DIY all-natural cough syrup

As we are nearing the end of the year, the flu and cold season is kicking into high gear. While it isn’t the cold weather itself that makes you sick – you can get a cold year-round – most people tend to get sick during the winter months. Most germs that cause the common cold […]

Homemade Cough Drops to Soothe Your Sore Throat

No matter if you have a dry cough or a wet cough, next time when you have a bothersome cough, don’t take the commercial medicine immediately as you can ease a cough and soothe your throat naturally by using the readily available ingredients in your kitchen. This DIY cough drops not only relieve all kinds […]

Women with a monthly cycle beware

My friend, Andrea Donsky, that has the website www.naturalsavvy.com, wrote an incredible article that is extremely relevant to all women that have a monthly cycle. She has given me permission to submit it here. As you read the article and become upset there is a link to go to to sign a petition. It is […]

Natural Remedies for Migraines

There is s strong belief in the natural health community of one disease, one cause. In other words, the body, if cleansed of toxins and given proper nutrition, will heal itself. All disease begins at a cellular level. There is also a consensus that health starts in the gut. Four things are known about migraines: […]

What Happens to Our Lungs, Brain & Mood When We Use a Himalayan SALT LAMPS

The Himalayan Salt Lamps are made from Natural Himalayan Crystal Salt Rock formed millions of years ago in the foothills of Himalaya. Salt lamps are blocks of pure Himalayan salt, so they come from the same region of the world. Also known as the ‘Vitamins of the Air’, they are made from the salt that […]

Fighting life-threatening bacteria without antibiotics

Each year, about 170,000 people die of complications of hepatic cirrhosis in Europe. Frequent causes of the widespread disease include alcohol abuse, fatty liver hepatitis, and chronic viral hepatitis. Liver cirrhosis develops gradually over a period of years and decades. Liver cells die and get replaced by connective tissue. The scar tissue blocks the flow […]

Causes of “Leaky Gut” and How You Can Heal

Causes of “Leaky Gut” The causes of leaky gut will surprise many people. They go well beyond nutrition and can be found in many obscure places. I consciously and even subconsciously think about the foods I eat and the lifestyle I live each and every day. I have to be aware of all the possible […]

8 Home Remedies for Colon Cleansing & How to Do This?

Detoxing is a great way to improve the way your internal organs perform. Colon cleansing is not new; it existed since ancient times. Colon cleansing is important for maintaining good health, it can help to improve digestion, make you feel a bit better, and even help you lose excess weight. Colon is situated at the […]