Tag: brain

Ditch the anti-septic mouthwash: Here is why

6 Reasons why your mouthwash may be harming your health Before I talk about mouth wash I need to preface this with a little background information so that you understand how mouth wash can impact your health. First a little about Why you need Nitric Oxide Nitric Oxide (NO) is important for maintaining open blood […]

‘Bad’ cholesterol linked to poorer cognitive performance

Despite its bad name, cholesterol is essential to the normal functioning of the human body. Our cell membranes are composed of around 30 percent cholesterol. It plays a vital role in building, maintaining, and keeping membranes functional. Cholesterol cannot be dissolved in the blood; it is lipoproteins that carry it to the areas of the […]

Scientist models Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome in adult stem cells

Studies performed by a Sanford Research scientist using an innovative stem-cell model for a fatal developmental disorder is the focus of a recent study published in Nature Medicine. Kevin Francis, Ph.D. uncovered unique cellular defects associated with Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome (SLOS) by modeling this disease using induced pluripotent stem cells. Francis’ study is titled “Modeling Smith-Lemli-Opitz […]

Why white matter matters in insomnia

Insomnia is characterized by a difficulty in falling asleep, staying asleep or both. The resultant lack of sleep causes deficits that leach into every facet of an insomniac’s life. Energy levels, mood, health, relationships and performance at work can all take a substantial kick. According to the American Sleep Association, 1 in 3 adults will […]

What is the Function of the Hypothalamus?

The hypothalamus is a small area in the center of the brain that has many jobs. It plays an important role in hormone production and helps to stimulate many important processes in the body. When the hypothalamus is not working properly, it can cause problems in the body leading to many disorders. Though diseases of […]

Brain maintains representation of hands decades after amputation

Researchers discovered that while our brains have a detailed picture of our hands and fingers, this representation in the brain is maintained, in some cases, for as long as 3 decades after an amputation. “It has been thought that the hand ‘picture’ in the brain, located in the primary somatosensory cortex, could only be maintained […]

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7 Best Brain Foods

Do you ever find yourself walking into a room and forget why you went there in the first place? Or maybe you forget about the little things like where you put your car keys? We often brush this aside thinking that we’re human and we can make mistakes, but it can be a sign that […]

THIS Will Happen When You Start Drinking Golden Milk Every Night (How it’s made)

Do you indulge in unhealthy habits before you sleep? Frankly, those late night snacks aren’t doing your weight or health any good. So it’s time for change. Start drinking golden milk. Golden milk is basically turmeric mixed with milk and a few other ingredients. Here is what will happen when you start drinking golden milk […]

Carcinogens You’re Inhaling Everyday Without Realizing It

The fastest way to get a poison into the body is by inhalation and through our skin. And while you think you have your symptoms of migraines, allergies, asthma, myocardial infarction, high blood pressure or brain fog under control with medications – that just might be adding fuel to the already smoldering fire. Where can […]

5 Habits You Probably Didn’t Know Are Bad For Your Eyes

Whether you realize it or not, some of your regular habits and best-loved pastimes could be wreaking havoc on your eyes. Don’t hurt your eyesight with bad habits day in and day out. Eliminate five behaviors to keep your vision healthy. Looking at Your Smartphone All Day Do your eyes hurt by the end of […]