Tag: Cholesterol

Purple Cabbage Juice That Beats Hypertension, Cancer, Removes Toxins & Heals Gut Naturally

If you don’t like to juice green cabbage, try juicing the purple cabbage instead. Purple cabbage has a vibrant beautiful color when juiced and tastes quite sweet, unlike green cabbage which can be a tad more bitter. Cabbage is absolutely loaded with goodness. It contains powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It’s wonderful for heart health, […]

5 Green Smoothies for Lowering Cholesterol Levels FAST

High cholesterol level in the blood is one of the common health problems affected by the modern lifestyles. It is a relatively common condition among Americans and one that is linked to increased risk of cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis and heart attack. The dietary change by better management of the food consumption is one […]

Children in the US: 1 in 3 may have high cholesterol

Approximately 1 in 3 children in the US may have borderline or high cholesterol, according to a new study recently presented at the American College of Cardiology’s 63rd Annual Scientific Session. The research team, led by Dr. Thomas Seery, pediatric cardiologist at Texas Children’s Hospital and assistant professor at Baylor College of Medicine in Texas, […]

Mid-range ‘good’ cholesterol levels associated with longer life

Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that the body needs to help build cells; it is carried through the bloodstream and attaches to proteins called lipoproteins. If blood vessels are damaged, cholesterol can be deposited, eventually causing narrowings. People with kidney disease are more likely to have problems with narrowings in their blood vessels than […]

Heart disease: Could sleep disorders play a role?

The statement, published in the American Heart Association journal Circulation, gives an overview of what is currently understood regarding sleep problems and cardiovascular-related risk factors. It also asks if improving sleep would decrease these risk factors and, therefore, the risk of heart disease. Risk factors that are associated with both sleep irregularities and heart disease […]

Region of body fat affects heart disease risk

Around 1 in every 4 deaths in the United States are a result of heart disease. The majority of cardiovascular disease risk factors – high blood pressure, cholesterol, overweight and obesity, tobacco use, lack of physical activity, and diabetes – can be controlled, treated, or modified. While just over 70 percent of U.S. adults are […]

Statins: could they decrease death risk in four most common cancers?

The 14-year study, which included nearly 1 million patients, finds that a high cholesterol diagnosis is associated with a lower risk of death in four common cancers. “The discovery of a link between obesity and high cholesterol as risk factors for cancer has been exciting for researchers and the public. Even trendier is the idea […]

‘Bad’ cholesterol linked to poorer cognitive performance

Despite its bad name, cholesterol is essential to the normal functioning of the human body. Our cell membranes are composed of around 30 percent cholesterol. It plays a vital role in building, maintaining, and keeping membranes functional. Cholesterol cannot be dissolved in the blood; it is lipoproteins that carry it to the areas of the […]

Scientist models Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome in adult stem cells

Studies performed by a Sanford Research scientist using an innovative stem-cell model for a fatal developmental disorder is the focus of a recent study published in Nature Medicine. Kevin Francis, Ph.D. uncovered unique cellular defects associated with Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome (SLOS) by modeling this disease using induced pluripotent stem cells. Francis’ study is titled “Modeling Smith-Lemli-Opitz […]

Eat more healthy fat to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes

Replacing carbohydrate and saturated fats with healthy fats, such as polyunsaturated fats, lowers blood sugar levels and improves insulin control, according to findings from a new meta-analysis. Around the world, there has been a sharp increase in the rates of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control […]