Tag: Depression

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New “antidepressant food score” rates foods based on their ability to treat symptoms of depression 2

first hit the market in 1988, around 2.5 million people were prescribed the drug. By 2002, that number had increased to 33 million. In the subsequent years, many other SSRIs have been produced and prescribed prolifically, with doctors handing them out like candy to anyone who is struggling with a bout of depression, no matter […]

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Are Your Hormones Sabotaging Your Health? 17

How Your Hormones Sabotage Your Health It is the start of 2018 and with a New Year many people are focusing on losing weight, improving their health and being the best person they can be, but what happens when you struggle to achieve these goals? One of the biggest reasons that I hear from clients […]

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Milk thistle is not only good for your liver – it can protect you from the toxic effects of chemotherapy, too 12

You’ve probably heard of milk thistle, even if you’re not quite sure exactly what it is or what it can do for your health. In fact, there’s a chance you see it growing wild all the time and don’t even realize the power this humble weed possesses. Milk thistle has many great qualities, but it […]

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How vitamin D supports brain health and works to reduce depression risk 2

Recent research has shown that vitamin D supports overall brain health, and that this vital nutrient can even help relieve depression. Estimates suggest that at least one billion people struggle with vitamin D deficiency worldwide, and another 350 million suffer with depression. While it may not be a cure-all, ensuring that you are getting enough […]

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Yoga reduces depression and anxiety which can affect how you perceive pain 6

Looking for an effective solution to depression and anxiety? This ancient practice of breath control, simple meditation, and doing bodily postures called yoga may be the solution. Research published in the journal Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice has confirmed that this traditional healing technique can reduce depression and anxiety. A team of researchers from Croatia, […]

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The healing potential of music therapy in pain relief in cancer patients 3

Cancer patients suffer from physical pain, emotional pain, and even social suffering. In order to improve the lives of cancer patients, some undergo music therapy. Research has shown that music therapy has the potential to relieve pain in cancer patients. A study review published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews confirmed that music therapy […]

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What’s the link between brain fog and rheumatoid arthritis? 7

People mostly associate RA with swollen and painful joints. However, for many people with RA that is only one of the symptoms they face. RA is a chronic condition that causes inflammation throughout the body. This inflammation can lead to joint pain and stiffness, swelling, and decreased joint mobility. RA can also affect the eyes, […]

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Drinking sugary drinks increases cancer risk NO MATTER what you weigh

Stop drinking sugary drinks. This is the easiest and arguably the most profound thing you can do now to improve your health. New research from Cancer Council Victoria’s Cancer Epidemiology and Intelligence Division and University of Melbourne’s Centre for Epidemiology and Biostatistics concluded that the frequent and long-term consumption of these toxic beverages increases the […]

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The Superfood Everyone Should be Consuming

Maca root is often passed off as a natural stimulant, paired with other stamina-boosters like caffeine, L-theanine, and ashwagandha. While its energy-enhancing capabilities are not to be dismissed, maca can also be the singular superfood your diet needs. Cultivated in the Andean reaches of Peru, maca is a yellow cruciferous vegetable that has been honored […]

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5 Warning Signs of Magnesium Deficiency

Many Americans do not understand the importance of magnesium in the same way they understand calcium or iron, for instance. Nonetheless, adequate magnesium levels are crucial for brain, cardiac and muscle function and it is needed, along with silica and Vitamins D and K to promote bone health. Magnesium deficiency is more common than many […]