Tag: diet

Daily hour of yoga lowers blood pressure

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that 75 million American adults have high blood pressure, also called hypertension. Hypertension is a risk factor for heart disease and stroke. It is defined as a systolic blood pressure of 140 millimeters of mercury per gram (mmHg) or higher, and/or diastolic blood pressure of 90 […]

Longer Telomeres May Help Deter Diseases And Increase Life Expectancy

Scientists and many alternative health advocates and practitioners have long been interested in factors influencing telomere length in the body, and how it affects health and life expectancy. What are telomeres? Telomeres are caps that protect our chromosomes, consists of short segments of DNA at the end of each strand of DNA. They affect gene […]

Why Going Vegetarian Will Make You Disease-Free

Today, I will write about the one diet that is suitable for all the patients. If they effectively follow it they can prevent, and treat major diseases like cancer to high cholesterol. Also endorsed by one of the most prominent healthcare organization of United States, that is over 17,000 physicians who recommend plant based diet […]

How to Lower Your Blood Pressure: 6 Easy Ways

A number of steps can be taken to lower blood pressure. These include lifestyle measures as well as drugs that doctors can provide. The measures against blood pressure can be grouped into three main areas: Diet Exercise Drugs The ways to lower blood pressure also lower heart, stroke, and other risks more generally. Contents of […]

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7 Best Brain Foods

Do you ever find yourself walking into a room and forget why you went there in the first place? Or maybe you forget about the little things like where you put your car keys? We often brush this aside thinking that we’re human and we can make mistakes, but it can be a sign that […]

Stress? Anxiety? 8 herbs that can help!

Stressed? Anxiety? What herbs can do for you. Fast, Easy and Effective Ways to Reduce Stress and Anxiety Before I go into detail about the herbs that can help you to manage your stress and anxiety, I do want to point out that diet and lifestyle still need to be addressed. For years I suffered […]

Diet Soda Linked to Expanding the Waistline Rather Than Trimming It

Drinking diet soda in an attempt to shed pounds may pack them on instead. Even worse, the artificial sweeteners they contain may promote the onset of type 2 diabetes. The discouraging news comes from researchers at the University of Texas, San Antonio. The findings of the research were recently presented at the American Diabetes Association’s […]

A high-fat Mediterranean diet may protect against breast cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular events

According to researchers, a healthy diet can include “a lot of fat.” A review of available evidence suggests that a Mediterranean diet with no restrictions on fat intake may reduce a person’s risk for breast cancer diabetes, and cardiovascular events compared to other diets. The findings are published in Annals of Internal Medicine. Despite advances […]

Does eating meat increase risk of death?

Dr. Mingyang Song – from the Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston – and colleagues publish their work in JAMA Internal Medicine. They note that protein sources “inevitably influence other components of diet, including macronutrients, micronutrients, and phytochemicals, that can in turn influence health outcomes.” As such, they say accounting for food […]

How fatty foods could be damaging your brain

Published in the journal Brain, Behavior and Immunity, the study suggests a high-fat diet destroys synapses – connections that aid communication between neurons, or brain cells – in the hippocampus of the brain, which may impair learning and memory. But it is not all bad news; the research also suggests that switching to a low-fat […]