Tag: fitness

From Fat to Slim: Full Body Workout for Women

When most people think of HIIT they think of it as applicable only for cardio, yet it can also be used in weight training. After all, weight training itself is a form of HIIT—you do a set with all-out effort, rest, then do another set, rest, and repeat. Resting two to three minutes between sets, […]

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Science as a Tool for Improved Health

Nullam nisi nisl, congue in aliquam vel, ornare et odio. Morbi vehicula enim eros. Etiam egestas ex ac vulputate faucibus. Vivamus nibh ligula, pharetra sit amet bibendum non, volutpat eu nulla. Nullam ac metus sed quam viverra pellentesque. Mauris non luctus orci, eget facilisis ante. Nunc ultrices arcu elit, sit amet ornare nulla auctor ut. […]

Treating the Patient, Not the X-Ray

Proin feugiat at nunc non vehicula. Praesent in purus id quam vehicula condimentum. Maecenas non est turpis. Nunc pulvinar, libero et faucibus venenatis, nisi ante ultricies erat, sed vehicula libero risus eget erat. Ut fermentum commodo venenatis. Etiam nec suscipit nunc. Aenean sit amet condimentum risus, nec mollis ante. Vivamus quis lobortis nibh. Nullam lacinia […]

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Staying Healthy Year-round

Proin feugiat at nunc non vehicula. Praesent in purus id quam vehicula condimentum. Maecenas non est turpis. Nunc pulvinar, libero et faucibus venenatis, nisi ante ultricies erat, sed vehicula libero risus eget erat. Ut fermentum commodo venenatis. Etiam nec suscipit nunc. Aenean sit amet condimentum risus, nec mollis ante. Vivamus quis lobortis nibh. Nullam lacinia […]

Fitness buffs turning to 'speed-like' supplements

Now, more fitness buffs want to hit the ground running, so to speak. The Australian Institute of Sport says there is a “trend” towards the use of pre-workout supplements, and body building companies are also citing an increase in demand. Many users liken the effects to “being on speed”, and experts say some products contain […]