Tag: gut

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Feeling sick? Chances are, it’s because of leaky gut 20

People get all of kinds of sick – but did you know that it can all be traced back to the gut? In his video, Dr. Patrick Krupka of DrKrupka identified the gut’s role in the body’s overall health, and how a lot of diseases can ultimately be traced back to it. In particular, he said most […]

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The Thyroid and Gut Connection

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” It seems that there are many situations in life that can be represented by this. One of which is the connection between gut health and thyroid health. A healthy gut supports a healthy thyroid, and vice versa. The reverse is also […]

How does fiber prevent weight gain?

By promoting the growth of gut bacteria, dietary fiber could prevent obesity, metabolic syndrome, and unwanted changes in the intestine, according to a study from Georgia State University. A new study shines new light on gut bacteria, fiber, and obesity. Obesity is linked with metabolic syndrome, a cluster of conditions that include hypertension, high blood […]

Can Probiotics Make You Happier?

In our never-ending search for happiness, we may need to look no further than our own gut. The gut has actually been nicknamed the “second brain” because of a large number of neurotransmitters found there. Serotonin is found in great concentration in the bowels and is responsible for some roles such as helping nerves communicate, […]

Colorectal tumors exacerbated by mouth microbes

Colorectal cancer is the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States when men and women are considered separately, and the second leading cause when both sexes are combined. While the death rate from colorectal cancer has decreased in both males and females – due to colorectal polyps being found by screening and […]

Causes of “Leaky Gut” and How You Can Heal

Causes of “Leaky Gut” The causes of leaky gut will surprise many people. They go well beyond nutrition and can be found in many obscure places. I consciously and even subconsciously think about the foods I eat and the lifestyle I live each and every day. I have to be aware of all the possible […]