Tag: health

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10 shocking reasons why Zika virus fear is another fraudulent medical hoax and vaccine industry funding scam

NaturalNews) Think the Zika virus is responsible for all the cases of microcephaly in South America? Think again: There is no reliable scientific evidence linking the two. The developmental deformities are actually caused by exposure to toxic insecticide and larvicide chemicals, not Zika virus. But because Zika virus fear fits a convenient funding narrative for […]

Don’t make these detoxification mistakes… they might cause you harm

(NaturalNews) In today’s world, toxins are all around us – making detoxification essential for optimal health. For example, an estimated 3 million tons of pesticides enter the environment thanks to conventional farming practices – every year. In addition, there are about 475 toxic chemicals within a typical woman’s daily personal care products. From household cleaners […]

Women with larger behinds are healthier and more intelligent, study finds

(NaturalNews) It turns out that having a little “junk in the trunk” is a good thing, health wise. Not only does having a larger derriere boost overall health, but it’s tied to increased intelligence and lower risk of chronic disease, according to researchers at the University of Oxford and Churchill Hospital in the United Kingdom. […]

The End of Antibiotics Era

Did you know… that now it’s the End of Antibiotics Era!! How??? Focusing on the diagnosis of one Pennsylvanian woman, who has been reported to have the American’s worst case of infection caused by a superbug which is highly antibiotics resistant. Clearly, proves that now the new class of superbugs have evolved that are more […]

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How You Can Improve Your Hormones, Sleep, Heart and Brain Health

Benefits of Exercise on Hormones One of the most overlooked benefits of exercise is the impact on your hormones and subsequently on your overall vitality. When you exercise, the movement directly impacts a variety of hormones like irisin, testosterone, peptide YY, aldosterone, cortisol and growth hormone. Your hormones play a vital role in your overall […]

What Will Happen In Your Body If You Drink Honey Lemon Water More Often

Most of us know the health benefits of honey and lemon, Crystal Davis took a 12 month journey , in that period she drank honey lemon water every morning and she noticed the difference in her health: She had no flu, cold or digestive problems; She didn’t crave coffee in the morning, honey and lemon […]

Better Support for Women

Proin feugiat at nunc non vehicula. Praesent in purus id quam vehicula condimentum. Maecenas non est turpis. Nunc pulvinar, libero et faucibus venenatis, nisi ante ultricies erat, sed vehicula libero risus eget erat. Ut fermentum commodo venenatis. Etiam nec suscipit nunc. Aenean sit amet condimentum risus, nec mollis ante. Vivamus quis lobortis nibh. Nullam lacinia […]

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Don’t Have Time to Stay Fit?

Proin feugiat at nunc non vehicula. Praesent in purus id quam vehicula condimentum. Maecenas non est turpis. Nunc pulvinar, libero et faucibus venenatis, nisi ante ultricies erat, sed vehicula libero risus eget erat. Ut fermentum commodo venenatis. Etiam nec suscipit nunc. Aenean sit amet condimentum risus, nec mollis ante. Vivamus quis lobortis nibh. Nullam lacinia […]

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The Effects of Stress

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur finibus ex sed sem lobortis blandit. Nullam nisi nisl, congue in aliquam vel, ornare et odio. Morbi vehicula enim eros. Etiam egestas ex ac vulputate faucibus. Vivamus nibh ligula, pharetra sit amet bibendum non, volutpat eu nulla. Nullam ac metus sed quam viverra pellentesque. Mauris non […]