Tag: healthy

Scientists find chemical pathway responsible for schizophrenia symptoms

Schizophrenia is a chronic, severe mental condition that affects over 1 percent of the adult population in the United States. Although it is not yet known what causes the disease, the medical scientific community is investigating the complex neurochemical processes that may trigger this debilitating illness. Recent studies have suggested that kynurenic acid (KYNA) plays […]

Practices to Keep Your Lungs Healthy

Our lungs are certainly essential parts of our system. Without it, the process of distributing oxygen throughout our bodies is hampered. While others are not shaken by the thought of consuming several sticks of cigarettes in a day, many are still very much concerned with their lung condition. This promising number of health-conscious people should […]

Which Vitamins are Good for Dry Eyes?

Dry eye syndrome is a common condition that occurs when the eyes do not make enough tears, or if the tears vanish too quickly. There are many treatments for dry eyes. Can vitamins help prevent or treat dry eyes? We find out. If an individual has a healthy balanced diet, they should be able to […]

Ancient and healthy: The science of laughter

We laugh at jokes (albeit not all jokes). We can also laugh sarcastically, nervously, when we are stressed, or even for no reason at all. Our laughter may be uncontrollable or maniacal, and it might also be forced, faked, or purposefully prolonged. The laugh is so pervasive that it can hardly be ignored by scientists; […]

7 Ways to Passively Use Technology For Self-Improvement

We all have a few things about ourselves that we would like to improve. Perhaps you want to increase your confidence, be more mindful, or improve your relationship. You may have even set a New Years resolution to accomplish these changes. Technology can be a great resource to passively start your path to self-improvement. Most […]

Practices to Keep Your Lungs Healthy

Our lungs are certainly essential parts of our system. Without it, the process of distributing oxygen throughout our bodies is hampered. While others are not shaken by the thought of consuming several sticks of cigarettes in a day, many are still very much concerned with their lung condition. This promising number of health-conscious people should […]

Sugar Addiction – 13 Effective Ways to Quit It

Addiction is a condition in which the person has uncontrollable desire to take a substance or engage in an activity, which will make the person feel good, despite knowing that it may lead to adverse effects. Moderation in everything including consuming a little sugar without going overboard has long been recommended as a way to […]

Daily hour of yoga lowers blood pressure

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that 75 million American adults have high blood pressure, also called hypertension. Hypertension is a risk factor for heart disease and stroke. It is defined as a systolic blood pressure of 140 millimeters of mercury per gram (mmHg) or higher, and/or diastolic blood pressure of 90 […]

Drugs for your dogs? Big Pharma just won FDA approval for canine anxiety meds

You have to hand it to them, the pharmaceutical industry just doesn’t stop trying to force people to purchase their chemicals, but now they’re even trying to convince you to purchase pharma drugs for your dogs! The insanity never ends when it comes to these people because they have the backing of the United States […]

Surprising deep similarities found across thousands of languages

For more than a century, linguists have believed that the relationship between the sound of a word and its meaning is arbitrary. Of course, the sounds of onomatopoeic words, such as “bang” and “crash” have a match between their meaning and their sound. But for other words, like “nose,” “fish,” “he,” and “walk,” there is […]