Tag: Internet

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Google now waging all-out censorship war against conservative websites through “fact checking” that’s no more than biased opinion

As reported earlier this week by The Daily Caller, the world’s most powerful search engine is now displaying fact checks almost exclusively for conservative and right-of-center publications in its results. Prominent liberal websites, on the other hand, don’t seem to be receiving the same amount of scrutiny. Obviously, those who run Google are, for the […]

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YouTube videos target children with bizarre, mind-altering narratives disguised as kids’ entertainment

Most parents understand that the internet can be a dangerous place for children, and there are plenty of high-tech ways to minimize their exposure to undesirable content. However, none of these methods can completely sidestep the need for parents to pay attention to what their children are doing. Even if you’ve helped your child safely […]

How self-monitoring is transforming health

The self-monitoring trend has exploded into a plethora of shiny new gadgets and toys – but what are the health benefits, and will the appeal last or will we sink under mountains of data? Judging from the abundance of news stories, it seems we are getting serious about self-monitoring, and tracking everything from what we […]