Tag: kids

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YouTube videos target children with bizarre, mind-altering narratives disguised as kids’ entertainment

Most parents understand that the internet can be a dangerous place for children, and there are plenty of high-tech ways to minimize their exposure to undesirable content. However, none of these methods can completely sidestep the need for parents to pay attention to what their children are doing. Even if you’ve helped your child safely […]

Pharmageddon: Prescription drugs are killing America’s youth

No parent wants to lose a child, but when one dies from something that should be very preventable, the heartbreak and tragedy is compounded. Such is increasingly the case with prescription drugs – they’re killing our youth. Sarah Shay and Savannah Kissick, of Morehead, Ky., best friends since high school, were both victims of what […]

Top 8 Benefits Of Fruits For Kids

Fruits bring benefits to children in several different ways, such as good for kids intestinal, low in fat and calories, supply vitamins and minerals, improve nutrition, rich in fiber, decrease the risks of obesity, and promote better academic performance…. 5 or more servings of fruits a day are recommended to most children. Up to 88% […]

McDonald’s now harming children with happy meal toys, not just the toxic ingredients

Just days after introducing the colorful “Step It” fitness trackers in Happy Meals, McDonald’s is removing them because the plastic bands are giving children skin irritations. In a statement sent to the CNN, Terri Hickey, a spokeswoman for McDonald’s, said that they took “swift and voluntary” steps after receiving several reports of potential rashes and […]

Bedroom TVs Associated With Childhood Obesity

Kids who have a TV in their bedroom are at a significantly higher risk of obesity and a larger waist circumference. This finding came from a study in American Journal of Preventive Medicine which showed that a child’s waist size may greatly increase with prolonged TV viewing. The research is similar to a prior report […]