Tag: Likewise

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STUDY: Vaccinating children against COVID makes zero sense; more children are harmed by the vaccines than from COVID

A study published in Toxicology Reports on September 14, asks, “Why are we vaccinating children against COVID-19?” The study also poses the question, “Why are we vaccinating the elderly against COVID-19?” Researchers from Italy, Russia, Greece, Romania and the United States dissected the data on covid-19 infection in children and in the elderly. They properly […]

Guidelines for choosing clothing and accessories for any survival situation

Clothing is an essential part of outdoor survival, and many seasoned and expert survivalists will agree that wearing the right clothes and accessories will boost the chances of survival. An article featured on the Survival Frog blog stressed that choosing the right clothes help protect against the elements including the wind, rain or snow. Clothing also helps keep the body dry, warm and well-insulated, the blog read. The entry […]